"Fortnite" commemorates the player for the event "Jesus Rescue", and also remedied the heart of the Buddha ? | 4Gamers


Remember the master of the week abroad last week Musel A touching rescue event at Fortnite? A fallen player accidentally fell to the bottom of the cliff, and his altitude was so low that he could not build the base for himself. Today, Epic Games has set up a tombstone for the player to commemorate his lack of such a game for the game and to fix it.

Last week, the famous entertainer Muselk escaped to Forttite one day and saw the cliff in the desert area with the intention of jumping off the cliff, so he directly solved the player. Just as Muselk saw a kart next to him and felt lucky, he saw another player trapped under the cliff.

Musel suddenly realized that the person he had just killed wanted to try to save the player under the cliff: he was determined to replace the ancestors and throw him. "Jesus Rescue". Unexpectedly, Muslk intends to drive the kart to the bottom of the valley, and wants to use the height of the car as a lifejacket, but an "accident" has occurred.

This incident caused an uproar in Reddit, and also left the officials notice that not to let the same regret reoccur, the development team of Epic Games has been specially set up. Bouncing tires, so that people who accidentally fall in the future can use the tires to reach the height of the foundation that can be built.

Of course, in order to commemorate the heroic sacrifice of the player (?), The development team also built a tombstone in place, which can be the original player and Muselk so Unexpectedly because their actions changed a scene in the game, and all that Muslk did was not in vain.

Perhaps the "Fortnite" popularity in Europe and the United States beyond "Jesus Survival" is not without reason, this little story tells us that players and games will grow together .

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