Zhonghao International (00264) suspended its negotiations this morning, the deadline for public participation is lower than the regulation – Economic Link ET Net


26/07/2018 08:52

Zhonghao International (00264) suspended its negotiations this morning, the deadline for the offer is lower than public participation

"Economic News Agency 26th" China International (00264) Suspended trading this morning and reported 1.37 yuan before the suspension.
The company announced early that the offer was closed at 4 pm yesterday.The bid, Yaohuan, received 19 valid acceptances of a total of 118 million shares of the offer
representing the issued share capital. 30.78%.
Immediately after the closing of the offer, the public held more than 34.94 million shares, representing approximately 9.13% of the issued share capital. As a result of
he did not respect the minimum public float of 25% of the listing rules. As a result, the Company has applied to the Exchange for a temporary relief from the Listing Rules
of yesterday (ie,
deadline for appointment) to October 24, 2018 (including this date ).
In addition, Xu Hongwei and Huang Shizhen resigned as executive directors because they were studied as P2P network loan companies with founding core members.
And Xu is the sole shareholder and the only director of Yaohan. (ml)

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