Your childhood memories Hotwheels Mario Racing is expected to be launched next year | Apple Daily


Do you know Super Mario? Have you played Super Mario Racing? Hey …. Do not rush to answer "Yes", lest you run away from your age. Indeed, after the pbadage of time, the Super Mario car is in its 26th edition since its first launch on the game console Super Nintendo, on the title of the first game of karting in the world, the famous toy manufacturer Mattel. On the US brand Hotwheels, and on Nintendo of Japan, they have jointly launched a series of metal racing cars, but do not rush as they plan to make their audience next summer.

Mattel and Hotwheels jointly launched the Mario series, a total of eight prototypes exposed to the San Diego Comic Contest last week, immediately attracted attention, the main characters led by the protagonist Mario, They evoke all the Yellowing memories of all those who were watching TV in their childhood and who desperately want to win the championship with their remote. At the time when there was no Internet, the virtual characters created by Mario Nintendo can be considered popular all over the world. a corner. The Mario Racing series, which will be sold only next summer, is currently announced in advance at a price of 4.99 US dollars per unit, or about 154 NT dollars. But I bet you will spend more than 1000 yuan to buy a full set. (Lin Haosheng / Comprehensive Foreign Reports)

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