Yankee "Judge" wrist right wrist 150 km four fractures of bone fracture at least 3 weeks | ETtoday Sports Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ Yankee

▲ The right wrist of Aaron Judge was hit by the ball, showing a painful look. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

Pan Wei Reporter / Full Report

Although the Yankees beat the Royals 7-2, but mighty Judge Aaron Judge was injured because of the first game. And the right wrist, despite that, Qiao Zhi still played in the 3 heats against the knockout, the fourth game only released. After the examination, although there is no need for surgery, it must be recovered for at least 3 weeks.

The Yankees played against the Royals on the 27th. In the first match, Qiao Zhi's right wrist broke a 93.4-mile (150.3-kilometer) four-point line from Jakob Junis, and now he ran slowly to the first base. In the third round, he hit a first base, but just in the fourth inning and two out of the game, the Yankees replaced Miguel Andujar and replaced him. The Yankees of the match relied on Didi Gregorius' 3-pointer with a single 4-pointer and a 7-2 victory.

Terrible blow to the Yankees

Aaron Judge will miss at least three weeks with a broken flea in his wrist after being hit by a pitch tonight pic.twitter.com/QnUo3e0mrO

– The Sports Quotient (@SportsQuotient) July 27, 2018

The Yankees immediately asked Qiao to arrange an MRI scan: fractured right wrist and ulna, although the operation did not occur. it was not necessary, it was necessary to rest for at least 3 weeks. Sufficient to swing again.

Qiao Zhi, 26, won the Midland Newcomer with an incredible score of 52 bombs last year, he was selected in the American League team for two consecutive years. 26 bombs, 20 seconds bases, contributed 61 RBI.

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