Zhongshan Yi Hospital (Nansha) Begins Nansha Will Build Medical Center in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District – Cross-Strait News – Sina News Center


Original title: Zhongshan Yi Hospital (Nansha) started Nansha will build medical center of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan

? ? ? ? The effects card of the First (Nansha) Hospital affiliated with Sun Yat-sen University. The first mobilization meeting of the first affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen Hospital (Nansha) was held in Nansha, Guangzhou on the 27th. Vice President of Sun Yat-sen University and first affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (photo: Nansha, July 27, 2004) Dean Xiao Haipeng said that hospitals such as Oral, Tumor and Ophthalmology of Sun Yat-sen University will be also established in the surrounding area to form a medical center serving the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau region.

The effects card of the first hospital (Nansha) affiliated with Sun Yat-sen University. Photo courtesy of Nansha Propaganda Department

The image effect of the first hospital (Nansha) affiliated with Sun Yat-sen University. According to Xiao Haipeng, the first hospital (Nansha) affiliated with the Sun Yat-sen University, which started the same day, provided 1500 beds and the building totaled nearly 500,000 square meters. Mr. The contents of the construction includes new medical commercial buildings, medical research and result processing houses, international standard animal experimentation houses, training and halls. Evaluation. It is expected that the hospital will be put into operation on November 12, 2020 and will enter the testing phase, which will be officially commissioned in 2021.

The construction scene of the day Liu Weishe

The construction scene of the day Liu Weishe

Xiao Haipeng also said that the hospital will be an international hospital integrating medical, teaching and research, in addition to the basic functions of the first three hospitals, Encore a powerful search platform. The hospital will build more than 20 national key disciplines or key national clinical specialties, and will prospectively introduce cancer treatment centers and precision medicine centers to create a referral hospital in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. At present, the hospital is in the talent pool phase, and recruits experts and researchers from around the world to serve as leaders in various disciplines of the hospital. Liu Chaoyang, deputy chief of Nansha District in Guangzhou, said in an interview that the first affiliated hospital at Sun Yat-sen University has settled in Nansha, Guangzhou, and that it will meet the high-end needs of the inhabitants of Nansha. Residents even Hong Kong Australia residents went to Nansha for medical treatment, which is very useful for improving population mobility and creating economic value.

Liu Chaoyang also said that the hospital will also help Nansha to effectively attract talent so that entrepreneurs work more peacefully in Nansha, not to "walk" entrepreneurs. (End)

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