Northern California on fire destroyed 65 buildings 2 firefighters killed | Shasta County


[New Dynastie Tang, 28 juillet 2018] Since the beginning of the dry season, forest fires in California have continued. At the present time, fires in Shasta County, Northern California, are almost uncontrollable and 65 buildings were set on fire, forcing two firefighters to succumb to the fire, forcing thousands of residents to leave their homes.

In Shasta County, 217 miles north of San Francisco, the fire called "Carr" was quickly burned with the help of wind since the outbreak of the afternoon of July 23 . As can be seen in the photos taken by the firefighters, the ashes of Mars splash and drift with the wind. Because the fire was too strong, firefighters were once inaccessible. On the evening of the 26th, the fire crossed the Sacramento River and threw itself into Redding, the largest city in northern California, with more than 90,000 inhabitants, forcing the authorities . Withdrawn thousands of residents.

The fire authorities reported that the poor rescue conditions had left two firefighters abandoned and several more burned. Wherever the fire went, 65 houses were set on fire, including historic buildings during the Gold Rush. Another 55 buildings were damaged to varying degrees and threatened 5,000 homes.

On Friday (July 27), the fire burned 44,450 acres and only 3% of the fire is under control. California Governor Jerry Brown announced in the afternoon of April 26 that Shasta County is in a state of emergency and that authorities have sent more than 1,700 people to participate in the fight against the fire.

Lin Shuran, New Tang Dynasty reporter, reports from San Francisco

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