Deng Xiaohua X Good Youth Poison Room: How can philosophers not read moral literature? – The network of examination of the keys of the news


Recently, Murakami Haruki's new book, "The Assbadination of the Knights", was described as "indecent secondary" by prostitution, and a literary group angered and initiated a joint report, studying directly "the exclusion of common sense". The ban is imposed, which affects the freedom of creation.

The prostitution department puts on a state of moral guardian, reminiscent for thousands of years, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates firmly rejected the immoral and fascinating literary creation, threatening to expel the poet of the "ideal country". Throughout ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature, badual desire is very common, aesthetic management is also human nature, but there are still conservative forces aimed at "banning" literature, history has provoked clbadic controversies like Lady Chatterley's Lover. , "Lolita", "The well of loneliness" and so on.

Last month, writer Deng Xiaohua and members of Bai Shui and Li Si discussed the philosopher's contempt for the poet and Confucianism's restraint on poetry, and found that literature and philosophy existed. since ancient times. The opposite of reason. But with the emergence of existentialism and phenomenology, this line has become increasingly blurred: is there a possibility of integration between the two?


photo credit: Li Le

Xiao Hua: Deng Xiaohua (general curator and writer of Living Literary Museum)
Li Si: Li Kangting (a member of the Good Youth Drug Room, Ph. D.
Baishui: Guan Yuquan (member of the Young Drugs Room, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy, Chinese University)
Journalist: Li Le, Chen Yuting

Literature is full of Emotions, philosophy is rational and intellectual?

Xiao Hua: In ancient times, philosophy wanted to domesticate poetry and literature, which are often related to governance and politics. said ("The Republic", Republics) to drive out the poet, it's because of the pbadion and pain of literature, it makes people irrational, law or ordinary life control people, only by reading literary works A big epidemic. poets are not good and want to hunt them, so how can they come back (ideal country)? To write the praises of poetry and joyful poetry, it is in the best interest to govern the city.

This reflects the philosophical requirement of rational peace, which is different from the emotional response required by the literature. At the same time, these "smelly" philosophers often think of things from the point of view of the ruler: one is Plato, the other is Confucianism.

Baishui: I do not think Confucianism is very dominant, does it reign?

Xiao Hua: It is advocated to use ethics to restrain people and coerce literary expressions in order to cultivate group resentment.

Bai Shui: I think Confucianism does not mean that, it's not that it's a good poem to achieve a certain goal. Instead, they simply think that poetry can have this function.

Xiao Hua: Yes, Confucianism is fundamentally a functional theory. Confucianism thinks that poetry can reseminate and dismiss, that is, functional theory.

Whitewater: But he loves poetry! "Happiness in poetry, in ritual and in happiness", our moral education begins with poetry, and they can afford poetry.

Xiao Hua: But we have nothing to take on this responsibility! We want morality, but we do not want morality, take no responsibility. Do not do it or not!

Baishui: Confucianism does not only see the moral side of poetry, it said that poetry can "see" and improve your ability to observe. You think about it, when we describe certain experiences, our capacity is very low. You said it was shocking, but I do not know if you're surprised, but there are different poems. The Book of Songs often quotes examples, such as: "War, if you're in the # "Abyss, you are on the ice." You may be surprised at how shocking it is to walk on the ice and look at the abyss. This experience will be much more important and more specific, so I think that Confucianism speaks not only of morality, but also from other aspects of poetry.

So how can philosophers not read moral literature?

Xiao Hua: What if immoral literature? What do you think of philosophers? How to deal with immoral literary novels such as "Lolita"?

Li Si: It's also completely trouble-free. If you use Hegel's view, what needs to be done, what is moral, what is not, is affected by the cultural environment. We all know that human history knows that it was possible before but not now. What literature can do is try to make an impact on what we have taken for granted. I will therefore think that literature can write anything and give literature an absolute freedom.

Bai Shui: I think that unethical literary works can give us a perspective to re-examine the moral life. For example, philosopher Kathy's novel "The Alien" is a challenge to morality. The protagonist Mosang is very immoral: the grandmother died without crying, indifferent, and she had bad with her girlfriend the next day, and then she did not regret after killing. You will see it very immoral, but Kathy asks: Why do we have to live the life that people think is right? Why are you crying when your mother dies? The question is: why can not people live the life that they embrace? Embrace your value?

Thus, at the end of the story, a famous pastor came to ask him and asked him to believe in God, while Mosang, who had never had any feelings, suddenly shouted. He feels that the pastor has never lived and lived a moral life. Instead, the protagonist knows what he wants, where his own value is, and what he does. Mossan was not afraid before he died, feeling that he had renewed his life as a dead mother, because he lived a life of "self".

Philosophy and literature are so different, is there a possibility of common or mixture?

Xiao Hua: I want to do one thing first: philosophy and theory are a bit different. I prefer theory to philosophy, I like 70% of theory and 30% of philosophy. For example, structuralism is a very scientific theory, but it involves philosophy, but not just philosophy. It tends to be a cold scientific theory that should not be used for creation, but it is still useful and influential for the creator.

Structuralism sometimes expresses itself through the structure of literary or philosophical ideas, which affects my taste or perception of poetry or fictional structure. Some are ideological, like existential literary and philosophical fusion, others are gameplay, conceptually strong, a bit like the state of contemporary art, literary writing as the l '39; contemporary art, abstraction or conceptuality. I will also consider them as literary writings influenced by philosophical thoughts.


photo credit: Li Le

The work of Deng Xiaohua's deconstructionist, Jonathan Culler.

Li Si: Martin Heidegger once said that to understand his later thoughts, Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin is a medium that should not be jumped, and he is a German poet. In the first and last stages of Heidegger, the clearest difference lies in the style of writing. The first masterpiece "Existence and Time" is a writing of a traditional philosophical system, with logic and structure.

But at the end of the period, some people said that he had abandoned philosophy, because his writing became like prose, and some even said that he was copying Holderlin. First, he used Holderlin's concepts such as "habitation" and "departure from God", and secondly added literary writing to criticism of modernity. Of course, some people say that Heidegger wrote poetry, which is an extremely defeated poet. But he later divides his thoughts into philosophical thoughts and poetic thoughts, and stressed that only poetic thoughts can move humanity away from this extremely sterile and dangerous modern: he praises this poetic thought.

Whitewater: Some will say that Jean-Paul Sartre's novel is very interesting, you can always find philosophical concepts that echo the plot. For example, No Exit (or "The Chamber of Secrets"), this novel brings out the idea that "the others are hell", reflecting the views of Saudi Arabia in the philosophical book "Existence and Nothingness".

The novel tells three mistakes made in hell: the first deserter of the Second World War, unfortunately killed during the flight, the second bad, the death of his cousin, but his relationship with his girlfriend. Suicide by burning gas, the third is the wife of a rich man, who does not want to give up his fortune after a bond, and throws the baby into the sea after a big belly with his lover.

All three did not admit their mistakes, but they also pursued the recognition of others: the woman was tearful, she wanted men to make love to her and wanted to have the identity bads loved this beautiful woman and wanted to talk to her. Become a partner, men want to prove that they are not cowards. What Saudi Arabia wants to express, is that it is important to understand that it departs from the subject but that it ignores the understanding that the other has of himself. Part of the individual is determined by the other, unable to control, and unintentionally, it is the place to torture people.

(Pay attention to the "Battle of Literature and Philosophy", the next part, which will deal with Alain de Botton's book of spiritual philosophy.)

Editor's review : Zhou Xuejun

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