I want to get the girls to drink, the men are beaten by the villagers.


The prevalence of child trafficking in China has made parents feel threatened. The owner of a store in Nanning, Guangxi, recently saw his niece with a strange man, thinking that the man wanted to make a child, so he called for help, and the neighbors l & rsquo; Heard and immediately circled the man. Subsequently, the man claimed that the girl had paved the way for him, that he was going to the store to buy a drink to thank her, that he had been beaten by a person.

We can see in the movie that people chased a man wearing dark clothes and continued to punch and kick, when another man tried to discourage, he was beaten together . When the two were hit and sat on the ground, there were still people who came forward to hit them, and the people around them surrounded them and prevented them from leaving.

Police in Mashan County, Nanning City, confirmed that at noon on Wednesday, some people reported that some people wanted to have children, so they sent police to the scene. After arriving at the scene, I saw a man named Lu, who had been surrounded by people, and then brought him back to the police station for investigation. Lu Nan explained to the police that he was lost on the road and that he was looking for a girl to show him the way, after wanting to thank the girl and take her to a nearby shop for him. buy a drink, I did not expect to be his aunt. She saw the prostitute "walk with a strange man" and called for help, attracting other people who did not know the truth.

Later, the local police appealed to the public that they suspected that a child was being trafficked, they should be handed over to the police.Do not take no excessive actions if the situation is not clear. (Continental Center / Full Foreign Affairs Reports)

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