Park Sung-woon saw Pak Min-ying 12 years ago Fans proved to be "an astonishing coincidence": destined together | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud


Reporter Xiao Caiwei / Full Report

"Golden Secretary CP" Park Sung-Jun and Park Min-ying cooperated with the Korean drama "Why the secretary of gold like this", and after the sweet end conspiracy, it was broken for 3 years. Although both sides denied the relationship, the chemical effects between the two still made fans eagerly awaiting. Some fans have determined that the heroine who had a "spark of cooperation" in the past and Park Sung Joon seems to have one thing in common.

 Junjun Park, Min-ying Park. (Figure / CFP Visual China) first size of the image

▲ Park Shun-Jun, Park Min-ying Korean drama cooperation "Why the secretary of gold like this" , spent the secret love for 3 years. (Photo / CFP)

Park Sung-won was broken in 2015 and actor Bai Zhenxi, who collaborated at "Sparrow to Phoenix" in 2013, has been in love for 2 years and it's the first scandal since entering the company. Bai Jinxi has already played "High Kick 3!" In 2012! The short-leg counter-attack, coincidentally, the other three dramas of Pu Xujun, including "She is very beautiful" Huang Zhengyin, "Three-way road" Jin Zhiyuan and "The gold secretary is like that" Park Min-ying, were formerly "High Kick" Series of actors.

 ▲ Korean drama

▲ "She is very beautiful" by Park Xuan Jun to take Huang Zhengyin, is one of the annual drama. (Figure / re-photo of the official website)

 ▲ ▼ Pictures of

▲ Park Sung-Jun and Jin Zhiyuan "three-way" cooperation, the two sides have frankly compared that heart. (Figure / return from the official website)

Huang Zhengyin in 2009 in "High Kick through the roof!" The fourth year student of Qingyun University, Jin Zhiyuan is in 2012 "High Kick!" The short-leg counter-attack played Park Hee-sung's cousin, in the third year of high school, and formed a "school CP" with Lee Jong-suk who was still a newcomer Park Min -ying was the first album of the series – 2006 "Unstoppable High Kick.

 ▲ ▼ Min-ying

▲ The beginning of Park Min-ying in 2006 "Unstoppable High Kick". (Figure / MBC Toggle)

 ▲ ▼ Lei /

▲ Park Sung-Jun, Min-ying Park cooperates with the Korean drama "Why is the Golden Secretary ". (Photo / Revolving from tvN)

In fact, Park Sung-Jun revealed at the press conference "Why the secretary of gold?" When he was a soldier, he liked to watch "Unstoppable High Kick". For Park Min-ying, I even laughed and said that I did not expect that the future would really have the opportunity to cooperate. This coincidence provoked a new discussion with the scandals of the two people: Some fans said: "It turned out that we were shooting together in 2006." Some even laughed that Park Sung Joon was originally a "High Kick Harvester".

 ▲ Park Sung Joon and Bai Zhenxi pbad the scandal. (Figure / Min-ying park return Twitter, sparrows at Phoenix's official website)

▲ Shu-Jun Park and Bai Zhenxi Pbad the scandal. (Figure / return sparrow to the official site of Phoenix)

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