[Jeux asiatiques de Jakarta Palembang] Golden treasure belt 18 teenagers watching the game in Indonesia Yu Qing "Gao Lu with" team on the site of the support team members | UPower


Or the next round will be the 18 teenagers to play at the Asian Games

The Hong Kong Asian Games team this year sent nearly 800 people to 40 projects, the most traditional number, in more participating athletes The athletes were selected to participate in the "18 Asian Games of Panasonic Tour" and traveled to Indonesia to enjoy the Asian Games. Gao Chengxi and Lu Lele of Badminton Hong Kong are also involved: the two-time mixed U15 Asian champions, who can travel to Indonesia to watch the game, both want to see their main badminton. His teammates applauded.

Gao Chengxi (left) and Lu Lele reporter on this site

"The Tour of the 18 Asian Games of Panasonic" was led by the former "Golden Car God" Golden Treasure, leading 18 young athletes from different sports in Indonesia If you know different sports, you can also feel the atmosphere of a great sports meeting: Gao Chengxi and Lu Lele all said that they would participate in this activity with a learning attitude and that they would see the level of foreign players. Both people want to see badminton, Gao Chengxi. He said: "A lot of friends have to play for the badminton team, I want to support them, of course, I have to look at other projects, even if I do not know them, I can to learn them. "

Lu Pei "hopes to enjoy the best players in the world and learn from them, but the men of the Asian Games" Lin Li "are absent, Yan Chengxi is disappointed:" I always want to appreciate them. People are right, if you can look better on the spot. As for Lu Lele, I like to watch the famous female single ball from Thailand.

In addition to badminton, Lu Lele's most wanted object is the sword attack of the Hong Kong team in competition for the medals: "Because I do not know this sport, I want to know the rules of the game, etc.

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