Yu Chui Court three-bedroom sale of 7.39 million yuan in the innovation sector has not increased the price of home ownership


  1. Yu Cui Yuan three-bedroom sale of 7.39 million yuan in the innovation sector did not pay the price of home ownership new high on.cc East Network
  2. Huang Yuanhui: the increase in the reduction of home ownership does not affect real estate transactions. Land Debate] Homemaker Zhu Xie Wei 「铨「 「「 「「 「「 「He He He He He He He He「 「「 「「 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 Hong Kong Economic Daily
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