Maeda Tatsuko Resort is cold and married, looking for a smile and an overflowing family | Wedding | Maeda Atsuko |


  Maeda Atsuko (left, Tsang-Chang International multimedia offers) with a cool station (right, online movie). (Synthesis of Epoch Times)

Maeda Atsuko (left, Caichang International Multimedia) and the cool station (right, movie card online). (Synthesis of Epoch Times)

[Reporter Zeng Weixin / Compilation] The Japanese media "Sponichi" were reported exclusively on July 31, the former AKB48 popular member, Maeda Atsuko, and the cool actor, and a marriage certificate was submitted July 30th. The Japanese are talking hot. The two then issued an official statement to announce the good news of the marriage.

Maeda Atsuko and Resorts on the 31st published a joint statement, the internal text wrote: "We have both, cool station and Maeda Atsuko, married on July 30. We know by friends, because of the personality on the other side "

The statement goes on to say:" Although we are not very mature, we hope to create a family with lots of laughs, we will support each other in the future, for every job that any the world gives us, we will work hard with sincerity and we hope that everyone can protect our future. "

M. Maeda and the station witnessed Tokyo in Omotesando in April, and the Japanese media "SANSPO" also reported in May. Ms. Maeda and the resort have developed a romantic relationship in April, and brokerage firms on both sides have not denied the case, only responding to "privacy is handled by me."

In June, Japanese media "NEW POSTSEVEN" reported that Ms. Maeda and the station had had a good time enjoying the play, and public photos of the two men holding hands on the stairs.

In the past, Japanese media reported that Maeda and the station were performing together in the Japanese television series in 2015, but that they had already been friends before, and that they progressed progressively in the cinema, learning from each other. Almost, and developed in a relationship lover.

Maeda Atsuko is the best-known member of the AKB48 group when he became a military officer. He continues to serve not only as a center (member of the central station), but also as a "first-generation queen" of the general elections of the AKB48 Group. Today, the Japanese media revealed that Maeda's marriage was married and that Maeda's son was also the first member of the past to be called "God 7" in the general election.

The news of the marriage of the two people immediately provoked a lively discussion among the Japanese people, and wrote on the Internet message: "Too surprised!" "Really scared!" Very quickly! Congratulations on their wedding! "Although it's really great to get married soon, but I think both are very good. "" Although I feel a little fast, think about it, both are married and married, it's a good marriage Congratulations! "1965 [19659013]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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