The University of Hong Kong promotes stone mines to maintain local supply – Ji Xiaofeng – Xinbao Website


August 1, 2018

Ji Xiaofeng
Xiangjiang one-eyed

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Development Secretary Huang Weilun revealed on the website on July 1 this year that the government has begun research on the feasibility and selection of the site for the development of the new quarry and continued production of local stone . Pan Xinhua, badistant professor of the Department of Real Estate and Construction of the University of Hong Kong, has teamed with the team to study the history and development of the Hong Kong Shi Mining and considered that Tuen Mun and Tsing Yi areas could be reopened.
Hong Kong is currently the only Tuen Mun Landi quarry, but is expected to suspend production in 2022. By then, the stone supply will be imported from mainland China 90% …


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