Encourage Luke to come to Taiwan to prove the financial strength of the Ministry of the Interior | Tourism | Curiosities – Epoch Times

Encourage Luke to come to Taiwan to prove the financial strength of the Ministry of the Interior | Tourism | Epoch Times Curiosities

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After opening the web page, click on the share button located in the upper right corner of the screen (Epoch Times, May 13, 2018) (Chen Yusheng, reporter of the Epoch Times newspaper) to encourage the Mainland residents to Taiwan. The activity permit method will reduce filing requirements from NT $ 200,000 to RMB 100,000. However, in order to implement the security management of the flow of people, it is necessary to attach a plan or a travel itinerary. Given the constant evolution of the cross-strait trade environment, in order to improve the quality of cross-strait tourism and maintain the order of communication, the Ministry of the I & # 39; 39 Interior issued the Executive Yuan Bulletin on May 11 to prescribe the amendment of "Licenses for Mainland Chinese People wishing to participate in tourism activities". 60 days. The Ministry of Interior declared that under current regulations, mainland Chinese citizens were entitled to deposits of NT $ 200,000 or more and had obtained the certificates issued by financial institutions in mainland China, which required them to apply for permission to travel to Taiwan. Tourism, it is proposed to reduce the reserve deposit to NT $ 100,000 and to refer to the current qualification conditions for "the peoples of Southeast Asian countries come to Taiwan to check Internet first place". If there are valid visas in other countries, it is also possible to replace the financial evidence. The Ministry of Interior also said that the current length of stay of people in mainland China allowed to travel to Taiwan for sightseeing should not exceed 15 days from the day of entry; it is proposed to add in the future a total length of stay in addition to the head of the mainland. Must not exceed 120 days. However, mainland Chinese who have been allowed to come to Taiwan for tourism, if they wish, must attach a travel plan or itinerary and may not engage in activities contrary to the purpose of the permit. , such as election campaigns, elections or political character. Activities, access to military defense areas, national laboratories, etc. Editor-in-chief: Wang Youyue

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