Cowboy online! The date of opening of the online mode "Red Dead Redemption2" is open! | 3iGAME


"Fallout76" relies on a multiplayer game, although the game experience is good, a large group of players participates every day. Without him, you can play a lot of games with a large group of friends.You must be a world and you will be shocked by the chaos. However, there is another game in Lizhuang that has more than just your online game: it's the last month where everyone has forgotten the game "Red Dead Redemption2" and the game will open the beta in online mode at the end of the month.

The online edition "RDR2", of course obsolete, is better than buying a special limited edition version of left-handed friends. If you buy the ultimate version, you can start pedaling online at 9:30 pm Hong Kong time; You will be able to connect and play with the cowboy the first day. You can open the wave on the 29th at 9:30 am. After that, you can play the game from the 27th to the 29th. The online mode will be available at 9:30 pm on April 29th. The last match will also be open to all players at 9:30 am on the 30th.

The online mode "RDR2" can accommodate up to 32 players, especially new gameplay, or the system experience is unknown, can wait until everyone has finished, then happy with friends. Share it and, then, listen to a lot of friends recently "I will only wait for the game to buy the PC first!" I will mention, the manager until today, did not declare publicly that the game would launch a PC version, in the end you have to wait for a game that is not generous, etc. It's up to you to decide.

Name game: "Red Dead Redemption 2"

Platform: PS4 / XBOX ONE

Type of game: Action Adventure

Development: Rockstar Games

Publication date: October 26, 2018

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