Taiwan's special zone? MAC: Taiwanese are not allowed to use a continental passport – DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

Taiwan's special zone? MAC: Taiwanese are not allowed to use continental pbadports DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

(German Voice Chinese Network) The Continental Authority of the Executive Yuan, the official body of Taiwan 's authorities in charge of processing cases in both sides of the Strait, issued a statement banning all residents of Taiwanese nationality from entering. use pbadports issued in Mainland China. Offenders will lose their Taiwan status, rights and interests. The reason is that a few days ago, the Hong Kong media released a report saying that Chinese President Xi Jinping was "to solve the Taiwan problem." As a result, Chinese experts have suggested the creation of the "Taiwan Special Administrative Region Committee" in Xiamen, Fujian Province, as well as the issuance of the "Taiwan Special Administrative Region Pbadport". Taking it for granted, this is an act of "treason" for the Taiwanese government, it is also an unacceptable act.Although it is impossible to distinguish its authenticity, the Taiwanese authorities l After all, loyalty to the country must be irreproachable.The report has also prompted many Internet users to respond to this discussion.Intense discussions include the question of the loyalty of Taiwanese artists to the world. Regarding the country, many artists who have developed in mainland China, such as Huang An, have already been suspected of having a Chinese pbadport.Although he personally denied it, the government the current strait in the Strait had not been recognized, so Taiwan did not implement the verification mechanism.It is only when the news will be released that the future will be forced Taiwan Pbadport: Traveling smoothly According to information from Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the number of countries eligible for visa-free access to Taiwanese pbadports would have reached 167. Compared with the exemption As a 50-country visa to the People's Republic of China, the Taiwanese pbadport is relatively easy to use for traveling abroad. Especially after 2010, the EU countries and the United States have been exempted from visas, which makes it almost a problem for Taiwanese tourists. In the last decade or so, the convenience of Taiwanese pbadports in the international tourism industry has increased and made Taiwanese residents feel good. For Japan, which the Taiwanese love to travel, Japan is a friendly country of Taiwan in the past, but before Taiwanese residents go to Japan, they have to apply for a visa, regardless of the number of days and .. .

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