A brief history of Black Hole: The word "black hole" appeared in 1967, and the psychological effect is very strong – The News Lens


Text: Marcia Bartusiak

The term "black hole" has always had a reputation for darkness and gloom. In June 1956, on the banks of the Hugley River in Kolkata, India, belonging to British Fort William, Bangladeshi Siraj ud-Daulah sent troops to capture 144 British men and two men. Women Historians say that Daura's subordinates have imprisoned at least 64 hostages in a small crowded cell called the "black hole". It is said that after a hot night, almost out of breath, only twenty people survived. After this terrible incident, the term "black hole" was used to designate places of imprisonment: locked cells, if they enter, will never come out.

In the fall of 1967, after the discovery of radio wave pulsars, the Goddard Institute for Space Research under the American Space meets immediately in New York and Wheeler mentioned for the first time "black holes". He said that he often told this story. Does the mysterious buzz come from a giant red star, a white dwarf star or a neutron star? Wheeler said that he told astronomers at the conference that he could be his "object of gravity collapse". "Well, after talking about four or five times, someone said," Why do not you call it a black hole? "I'm going to do it," said Wheeler.

Although scientists discovered pulsars in 1967, they were released around the world in 1968. Nature magazine eventually published a related article in February, announcing the existence of pulsars. The Goddard Space Institute has held no meetings of pulsars until the month of May. Perhaps Wheeler remembered the mistake and thought the meeting had taken place in 1967. In November 1967, the Goddard Space Research Institute held a supernova conference, but the name Wheeler did not. Was not in the minutes of the meeting. It is undisputed that on December 29, 1967, at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Wheeler mentioned black holes in his speech after dinner. Both articles were also printed based on the article written in this speech titled "Our Universe: Known and Unknown," which was published in the journal "American Scientist" in 1968. Because of this publication, all the world has credited the word "black hole" to Wheeler.

But there is also strong evidence that the term appeared earlier. First, the Texas Symposium began to spread in 1963. Although it was not official, it was four years earlier than Wheeler. Albert Rosenfeld, then Life Magazine's science editor, mentioned the "black holes" in his recently discovered quasar article. During his report on the Texas Symposium, he noted that Hoyle and Fowler pointed out that the gravitational collapse of the star could explain where the quasar 's energy comes from. "The collapse of gravity can lead to" black holes "invisible in the universe," writes Rosenfeld. Rosenfeld said that the term was not coined by him, but was heard at the meeting, but he forgot to say of whom. Did Hoyle use the word "black hole" in the discussion? More than a decade ago, the sarcastic British astrophysicist wizard, and sealed the theory of the explosion of the origin of the universe as the "big bang". Has he used his talents in this field to help the phenomenon of astronomical physics to name easily? Are young students and postdoctoral researchers joking about "black holes" in the hallway?

After a week, the American Association for the Advancement of Science held a meeting in Cleveland and mentioned the term "black hole". Ann Ewing of the Science Bulletin reported that astronomers and physicists at the meeting pointed out: "The space can be covered with" black holes "." The person who said the word is the Goddard Institute for Space Research. Physicist Hong-Yee Chiu, who was to be programmed by Eun, was also organized by him and also went to the Texas Symposium. "Quasar" is what Qiu Hongyi invented, will he introduce another interesting name to the public? No, Qiu Hongyi said that the object he borrowed should be the one who created the term.

From 1959 to 1961, Qiu Hongyi stayed at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton, and Princeton physicist Robert Dicke was an experimenter and theoretician of gravity at the seminar. How the general theory of relativity predicts the complete collapse of certain stars, creating a very strong environment, too strong to escape light or matter. "The audience was very surprised," he jokingly said, "Black Hole in Kolkata," recalls Qiu Hongyi, after two years Qiu Hongyi went to work at the Goddard Institute for Space Research, Dick. visited and delivered a series of speeches, he heard Dick talk about "black holes." Maybe that's the case, Dick sent the term to the scientific community.This was a mantra of Dick, he often spoke of "black holes" in front of his family, but the use was completely different.His son said that he found that things in his family seemed to be swallowed and that he would have heard his father shout, "The black hole in Calcutta!"

If Wheeler did not realize that someone had used the word black hole, he was still sanded.What is the poetry of AM Sullivan? The poem calls "The Music of the Universe" and focuses on the 18th century astronomer William Herschel. was published in the New York Times on August 26, 1967. In a few months, Wheeler went to the American Association for the Advancement of Science to speak at a conference At New York.

Herschel's long eyes
explore the horizon
near the Orion Belt
He trembles with fear
because of the chaotic black hole

Does not matter from where comes the inspiration, the word becomes The scientific vocabulary, Wheeler is very successful. In terms of his position in this area, he decided to use this title, and the word has significance, so that the scientific community dares to accept it and does not feel embarrbaded. "He started using it, there seems to be no other saying, it seems that everyone agrees to use the black hole name," said Thorne, who was taught before.

Wheeler's strategy has been successful. After speaking in New York in 1967, in less than a year, newspapers and the scientific literature began to adopt this statement – but at first everyone used it with quotation marks – "black hole "because it's too new. Keep a distance.

Some people find this term very boring, like Feynman. "He's accused me of being too ugly," Wheeler said. But Wheeler likes the connection between this statement and other physical terms: for example, the black body is the ideal heavenly body, the radiation that falls on it is absorbed and it is also the perfect emitter . Black holes absorb radiation but do not emit. Nothing is done … nothing. "So" black hole "is the perfect name," concluded Wheeler. In addition, these two words are also in line with the relevant physics. The singularity of infinite density digs a hole in the elastic structure of time and space – a bottomless pit. It's the fate of the universe that pays homage to Schwarzschild that inspired the study of black holes: the name "Shiwa" in his name is "black" in German.

"The term" black hole "is not a term in terms of terminology after it first appeared in 1967, but the psychological effect is very strong," Wheeler said. "After the appearance of the term, more and more astronomers and astronomers physicists know that black holes may not be the fiction products imagined, but the astronomical objects that are worth the time to spend The black hole finally stood on the stage and became the protagonist.This object could not attract everyone's attention before, and now has an intriguing name that has attracted more than

Even Chris Zhuo has returned and thinks that he is now sure to find this subject again, without fearing that others will laugh at him.After disrespectful arrogance with Eddington, he was absent for forty years.In the mid-1970s, the black hole was no longer the static object encountered by Chintskar.It is now a cosmic object that will move and turn. swallowed a big pile of material, the black hole event horizon goes tremb ler, tilt and roll. Eight years after his return on this subject, Chandraskar published "The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes", which is authoritative and fell into the skills required to study the behavior of the black hole. Until today, it is still a clbadic manual from the Department of Physics.

Introduction to the book

This article is an excerpt from "A Brief History of Black Hole", Owl Publishing
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Author: 芭杜席雅克 (Marcia Bartusiak)
Translator: Yan Lijuan

first biography of this black hole of the universe!

The black hole is a weird and strange concept, an abyss of time and space – even the light can not escape! Scientists are convinced that nature will not be so crazy, it is a violation of all logic!
"Black holes should belong to the category of fantasy mythology, which is the same kind of vampire or drip monster."

The old maxim has a cloud: all truth must go through three stages: to be degraded; That goes without saying Black holes, solidly through these three trips.

The author of Bardusjak's heavy science combines physics and the writing of degenerate news to create a popular science as a chapter. It's a moving story about how black holes grow from great thinkers like Einstein, Wheeler, Hawking and others to fight, frustration, and how to inspire them. This contribution is how to change completely our vision of the universe.

The author also tells us how the black hole rehabilitated Einstein and brought back his greatest achievement, the "general theory of relativity," from the dark corners of history to the physical stage of physics .

Until astronomers discover such astonishing phenomena such as neutron stars and black holes, the once silent universe was transformed into a complete system in Einstein's mouth. This cosmic order full of great energy can only be understood by relativity.

This book is published on the occasion of the centenary of the theory of relativity, the Nobel Prize in 2017, Thorn et al., Found the most important piece of the universe, l & # 39; gravitational wave generated by the collision of black holes.

  Brief History of the Black Hole

Photo Credit: Owl Publishing

Editor: Pang Bohan
Verification Editor: Weng Shihang

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