A Chinese company won the tender for the project of the Panama Canal Cross Bridge – Newsletter website hkej.com


The Panamanian Ministry of Public Works announced that the China Construction Construction Unit (01800) and the China Harbor Engineering joint venture have successfully won the fourth Panama Cbad Bridge project, with a contract price of 1, $ 42 billion.

Panama's Ministry of Public Works confirmed that China Communications Construction and China Harbor Venture won the first Panama Cbad Bridge 4 contract. This is the largest project in Panama and Central America. these next few years. The largest project of the bridge unit was won in the Americas.

The project is a dual-use bridge 510 meters wide, 51 meters high and 75 meters high, thanks to its particular geographical location and technical difficulties, which has become an important project for many internationally renowned companies .

Previously, China-funded companies had successfully won the call for tenders for the design and supervision of the third trans-Panadium Cbad Bridge. The Panama Cbad Bridge 3 is the first bridge on the Atlantic side of the Panama Cbad and one of the largest concrete cable-stayed bridges in the world.

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