A CIA official: China launches the "Cold War" You want to replace the United States as a world power | ETtoday International | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ Xi Jinping and Trump. (Photo / Reuters)

▲ The trade war began, and Sino-US relations continued to heat up. (Photo / Reuters)

Reporter Ding Weijun / Full Report

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official Michael Collins said on the 20th that mainland China was quietly launching a "cold war" against the United States . Resources, including economic and military power, are trying to replace the United States and become an international superpower. He also pointed out that the South China Sea looks like an eastern version of Crimea.

Collins is Assistant Deputy Director of the East Asia and Pacific CIA Missionary Center He attended the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado on the 20th. He stated that the Chinese President Xi Jinping launched a cold war. The Cold War after the Second World War should not resort to actual conflicts, but weaken the status of opponents by using all legal, illegal, public and private, economic and military forces.

Collins believes that the threat posed by mainland China is the biggest global challenge facing the United States. He said that when it is political interests, China hopes that all countries can stand on the side of China, instead of choosing to get closer to the United States. In the security forum, other US officials such as Director of Federal Investigations Christopher Wray and US intelligence director Dan Coats echoed Collins' statement, pointing out that mainland China is today. the most dangerous in the United States. "."

 ▲ The badysis of experts, the Sino-US trade war could continue until next year. (Photo / Reuters)

▲ Some experts have badyzed that the Sino-US trade war could continue until next year. (图 图, Reuters)

Collins criticized the theft of trade secrets and academic research by China, which led the US to begin to question whether China was a true rival or a legitimate competitor: "I think we're starting to trace a line. In addition, when he talks about the modernization of the Chinese army, Collins said: "I think the South China Sea is eastern Crimea." This statement means that Russia was sentenced internationally after the end of the war. annexation of Crimea in 2014..

CNN pointed out that China's defense capabilities are becoming stronger. Former US Deputy Defense Intelligence Minister Marcel Letter said Chinese ruling authorities are using political, financial and military strategies to strengthen and consolidate the country's influence in the region. The second largest country in the defense budget, including the largest land force in the world, and the third largest air force, 300 ships, and more than 60 submarines, which modernize and improve. "

The new national security strategy was announced in December, with a focus on China's technology and Internet initiatives, and the United States should work with partners around the world and persuade the authorities of Beijing to comply with international conventions and standards.

Collins also cited the example of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. After the incident, the international community must change direction, but Mainland China can be very concentrated: "They learn more obligingly and learn to be more ambitious, learn to become more confident through what they are good at."

 ▲ ▼ The first line of the APL, performing a night fighting training. (Figure / Re-photo of the Chinese Air Force)

▲ Front line fighters of the People's Liberation Army performing a combat training of night. (photo / revolution of the Chinese air force)
Susan Thornton, US Assistant Secretary of State for East and Pacific Asia, observed that mainland China is very close to opportunity, unlike the United States which pay attention to the Middle East. Our soft power is stronger than theirs, in fact, (China) does not have the attractiveness of the American system, I think it's because the partners know that we will support them and will know that we will not do it.

China's official "Global Times" media commented that China and the United States held four rounds of negotiations, after the deal changed in the United States, re-shaking the commercial warfare stick . "Now the United States must fight both the trade war and the innocent appearance", so the responsibility for the failure of the negotiations is entirely in the United States.

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