A mainland reporter accused of "false information" refused entry to Taiwan – Voice of America Chinese Network (VOA)

Mainland reporters accused of "false information" refused entry to Taiwan's VOA Chinese Network (VOA)

Taiwan's cross-border affairs commission said Wednesday in response to a reporter from mainland China who refused to travel to Taiwan for an interview. "False news", spreading false statements. Taiwan's cross-border affairs commission said Wednesday in response to a reporter from mainland China who refused to travel to Taiwan for an interview. "False news", spreading false statements. According to Taiwanese media reports, Ye Qinglin, a Fujian Southeast TV station reporter in Fujian Province, said he had asked to be interviewed again in the Taiwan channel last June, but had been rejected. According to the report, Ye Qinglin's rejection is probably due to the fact that the Japanese rescue team "do not move their hands" when it announced the earthquake in Hualien last February. Agence France-Presse reported that MAC had also indicated that Ye Qinglin had not allowed an interview with the military base without permission, in violation of Taiwan's rules allowing continental press journalists to register in Taiwan . On March 27, the Taiwan Affairs Bureau held a press conference, claiming that the demands of Chinese reporters in Taiwan had been "unreasonably rejected" by the Taiwanese authorities, arguing for cross-border exchanges between reporters. . Some pro-Chinese media and experts in Taiwan have also questioned whether the practice of the Taiwanese authorities could demonstrate Taiwan's institutional advantage over mainland China. This is the first time since the Taiwanese authorities opened an interview with Chinese media reporters in Taiwan that their entry was banned.

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