A sneer from Hunan makes a big cheating gang out | Changde | Construction engineer


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, 21 juillet 2018] A middle-aged man from Changde, Hunan Province, sneezed at the National Second Level Builder Qualification Examination, and his ear flew from one year to the next. miniature earpiece. The voice of a woman, thus unveiling a black industrial chain with the test "guaranteed" as the trick, the 13 people involved in the case are all stopped, and the case is still under investigation. On July 19, Lu Media reported that on the morning of June 2, the national qualifying examination of the Chinese secondary construction engineer at the No. 55 testing site in Changde, province of Hunan, answered the questions seriously. Suddenly, a man of a certain age sneezed sneezing and, with sneezing, a small beige thing came out of the patient's ear and fell to the ground.

The supervisor picked up the object on the floor and found that it was a wireless miniature headphone, the voice of a woman coming from the 39; earpiece.

Subsequently, the examination center staff took the candidate out of the examination room, and when he was physically inspected, he found a white wireless receiver hidden in his belt.

At the same time, the supervisor found in several other rooms that the candidates had the same cheating equipment.

The Human Resources Review Institute of Changde City thinks that this could be a case of organized cheating review, and immediately reported the case. The working group has been deployed in the two second-tier qualification testing sites in the Changde urban area.

Initially, many candidates suspected of cheating on the exam faced the investigation: they all said that the cheating material had been bought by foreigners at the & # 39; 39, entrance to the examination room. On the morning of the same day, the radio monitors found no abnormal signals.

In the afternoon of the same day, a candidate explained that the equipment came from an educational consulting company in Changde, after which the police arrested the suspect Tang, who operated the wireless transmitter, in a tea room.

The police went to the educational consulting firm to search for and seize a large amount of physical evidence suspected of having organized cheating during the examination, as well as the a large number of falsified administrative bodies and corporate seals.

After the night review, the working group seized conclusive evidence that the president of the company, the shareholders and some employees have organized more than 30 candidates for cheating.

The president of the company, Yang Xing, used 20,000 RMB to buy dozens of cheats through a business management consulting company in Changsha, and then used the "Pbad test guarantee" to attract candidates. The company requests the examination and charges each candidate a fee ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 yuan.

On the day of the test, Wang, one of the suspects, bought the answer to the test on the Internet and sent it to Yang via the mobile communication software, then used the radio transmitter to transmit the answer to the candidate via the WeChat group. Mobile number

Police introduced an "inspection control chain" which formed an industrial chain, arrested 12 suspects and investigated more than 30 suspected cheating candidates, including in Zhejiang, Guangdong , Guangxi and Hunan.

Police investigations also revealed that in the chain of cheating industry where cheating, the suspects are also engaged in a "two-headed money collection". Even a small number of candidates were organized to request a test, and the charge for the test was as high as 60,000 yuan.

The 13 people involved in the case were arrested and the case is still under investigation.

(Reporter Li Wei Report / Publisher: Ark)

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