Adhere to "Do not Break Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan" Air China announced that it has suspended its flight to China! | ETtoday International | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ Pacific Airlines (Palau Pacific Airways) announced the grounding of the Chinese Highway. (Photo / return from Facebook / @PalauPacificAirways)

▲ 帛琉 Baiyue Group said that since the pressure of the Chinese National Tourism Administration, its airlines and its restaurants have received almost no order in July and August of this year. (Photo / return from Facebook / @PalauPacificAirways)

International Center / Full Report

帛琉 Pacific Airlines (Palau Pacific Airways) announced that it will fail the Chinese route, the parent company Sea 百 悦 集团(Sea Pbadion Group Last week, I reported to the National Assembly that this decision would be made because of more and more serious losses.) According to The Island Times, the National Tourism Administration of China banned Chinese travel agencies from coming to the country last November to pressure the country to break its diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

At that time, the government of the government was not paying attention, and the country's president, Tommy Remengesau Jr., has repeatedly pledged not to sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan Raymond Jess also badured people that the ban would not have a negative impact on the country. & # 39; economy, but would help the domestic tourism industry to expand to more yuan.

▼ President Tsai Ing-wen and President of the Republic Remán Jeno. (Photo / Presidency provided)

 ▲ ▼ President Tsai Ing-wen and President Raymond Jess. (Photo / Presidential Office)

帛琉 百 悦 集团 said that since the pressure of the National Tourism Administration of China, its airlines and Sea Pbadion Hotel have barely been in July and August of this year. Received an order. According to the report, the number of Chinese tourists visiting the country has fallen by almost half since the ban was applied for 8 months, leaving only around 14,000. In addition, the National Tourism Administration of China also strictly examined online bookings to ensure that no unit violated the ban.

On April 25 of this year, the Civil Aviation Administration of China sent a letter to 36 airlines, including United Airlines, American Airlines and Delta Air Lines, requesting that "Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao "are not considered as independent territories. "Bloomberg" pointed out that the Beijing authorities required that they comply with the order to clbadify Taiwan in China, and that it only remains one month.Si Delta Air Lines and American Airlines continue to defy orders, they risk losing Chinese pbadengers.

▼ The Civil Aviation Administration of China sent a letter to 36 airlines, including United Airlines, American Airlines and Delta Air Lines, stating that "Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau "should not be considered as independent territories. (Photo / Reuters)

 ▲ ▼ United Airlines, United Airlines. (Photo / Reuters)

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