Air India changed Taiwan to "Chinese Taipei", just after the Indian Prime Minister twice went to Xi Jinping – The News Lens


Air India recently renamed "Taiwan" on the official website, although it was not replaced by "China Taiwan" at the request of China, it was replaced by "Chinese Taipei ". Measures taken with the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This change may be due to the upcoming Indian elections in 2019. In order to stabilize the pre-election situation, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi changed his foreign policy against China and became a "non-aligned" between China and China. United States. Strategy

(Central News Agency) Air India recently changed its flight name to Taiwan, "Taipei, Taoya International Airport, Taiwan" (Taipei, Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan) was changed to "Taipei, Taoyuan International Airport, TPE, China "Taipei (Taipei, Taoyuan International Airport, TPE, Chinese Taipei).

On April 25, the Chinese official sent a letter to 44 foreign airlines requesting a revision of Taiwan's name, and threatened to take "new measures" against the airlines that did not follow. The US State Department has expressed concern over the pressure exerted by the Chinese authorities on airlines in various countries to change the name of Taiwan, and does not support this name change.

However, Air Canada, Emirates, Singapore Airlines and Japan Airlines have all changed their destinations from "Taiwan" to "China Taiwan" on the official website. However, Air India has ignored the demands of China and it is only at the end of June that the name of Taiwan has been changed to "Chinese Taipei" on the official website.

In response, the spokesman for Indian Airlines declined to make more representations, saying only that the name change was made with the approval of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The spokesman revealed that Air India has received a letter from the Chinese registry's regional director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, authorizing Air India to use the name "Chinese Taipei" on the official website. In addition, the same letter also approved the name of Air India on the official website using the Chinese Hong Kong SAR and the Macao SAR.

Until the deadline, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not explained the relevant issues.

  Air India
India Airlines official website in the empty space, marked "Taiwan", there will be no options to click, but with "Taipei" , Chinese Taipei's "Chinse Taipei" option | Credit: Screen capture of Air India

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lee Charter said the Foreign Ministry had discovered late June that the official website of Indian Airlines changed "Taiwan" into "Chinese Taipei". At the same time, he contacted the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Civil Aviation Authority to express the solemn protest of the government and demanded that Taiwan be called "Taiwan". "Hong Kong Commercial Radio" reported that for India Airlines change the name of Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Wei said that the practice of Indian Airlines is "only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China "This international consensus is respected. He also reiterated that respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, observance of Chinese laws and respect for the Chinese people's national sentiments form the basis of any foreign enterprise operating in China.

"Central News Agency" reported that "Hindustan Times" (Hindustan Times) believes that it is India Airlines "to comply with the requirements of China, do not consider Taiwan as an independent country", and called "Chinese Taipei", it's C is the name that Beijing hopes people know. Indian and Chinese experts who do not want to be named believe that Air India has changed its name to "Chinese Taipei", which is used in many international occasions, which is considered "a more neutral approach".

The last year of the Indian elections, the peaceful relationship with China will help the Indian ruling party to re-elect

"Central News Agency" reported that the senior researcher of the International Affairs Institute of the United States Jindal Global OP University, Tridivesh Singh Maini) told the Central News Agency on June 27 that China does not recognize "a single India", India's previous statements or joint statements with the China also refused to include recognition and support for "one China".

The so-called "unique India" is a recognition of the entire territory of India, including Kashmir, which has a sovereignty dispute with Pakistan, and Arunachal Pradesh (known as South Tibet ), which has a sovereignty dispute with China.

But India's recent cooperation with China seems to exceed Manny's expectations. Indian Prime Minister Modi went to China twice in April and last June to meet Xi Jinping.

Liu Qifeng, director of the South Asian and South Asian Studies Center of FLAME University in Pune, India, reviews the Critical Review Network column, in April or May 2019, in addition to of the British People's Party. (BJP) Recently, it has been contested by rival political parties in the region. To stabilize the pre-election situation, reconciliation with China will be a diplomatic success that the Modi government can make known.

Liu Qifeng believes that before the general election of 2019, the atmosphere of cooperation created by China and India will continue, especially in recent US pressures on the Korean peninsula and issues China could also gradually strengthen diplomatic relations with India.

After Mozambique in April, India changed its "Amphibious Diplomacy"

"Economic Daily" reported that after Modi's visit to China in April, he adjusted foreign policy Indian and no longer bumped into China. Maintain a friendly and friendly relationship with the regional powers and return to the traditional "non-aligned" policy of India.

Fang Tianci, an badistant professor at the Tsinghua University General Center, wrote the book "United Daily News" to explain that India's traditional "non-aligned" strategic thinking is not isolationism but "amphibious" diplomacy on both sides. Therefore, on the one hand, India participates in the "Indo-Pacific strategy" proposed by the United States and, on the other hand, is a key member of the BRICS. India has reservations about China's "One Belt, One Road", but it is also the second largest shareholder of the BAII. India, the United States and Japan hold annual joint naval exercise "Malaba", but also the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Recently, India has changed its tension with China in order to maintain diplomatic opportunities.

Why do countries succumb to China? China will become the largest aerospace market in the world in four years

and from the point of view of the airline, the change from "Taiwan" to "China Taiwan" or "Chinese Taipei" could be linked to Chinese aviation market. CNN reported in 2017 that the International Air Transport Association (IATA) pointed out in the latest forecasts that the future 20 years the attention of the world aviation will no longer be the United States and Europe, but Asian Emerging Markets.

The International Air Transport Association predicts that half of the new pbadengers will live in Asia in the next 20 years and that in 2022, China will replace the United States as the largest market for aviation in the world. In recent years, Chinese airlines have also developed international flights to develop new international routes.

The Indian newspaper reported that the Administration of Civil Aviation of China had talks with the Civil Aviation Administration of India at the end of May, with a maximum of 14 flights per week. The two companies hope to operate more flights between China and India.

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Nuclear Draft Writer: Yang Zhengxi

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