All remains of Thai shipwrecks have revealed that engines and lifejackets have failed | Phuket | Epoch Times


[Epoch Times 2011 11 juillet] (Full Report Epuor Reporter Xu Jian) ​​Wednesday (7 The 11th of the month, the Thai government first confirmed that the bodies of Chinese tourists who lost their lives in the sinking were found.At the same time, the police conducted further investigations into the 39, accident and found that both vessels were illegal.

On July 5, two cruise ships "Phoenix" and "Aisha Princess" carrying 127 Chinese tourists capsized in the waters near Phuket, Thailand, among which 47 "Phoenix" tourists are dead or have disappeared.This is considered one of the biggest tourist disasters in Thailand since the death of thousands of people in the tsunami in South Asia in 2004.

The commissioner of Phuket police said at the time 39, a press conference held Sunday that the authorities had arrested two captains and would further investigate the cause of the accident. Thai officials said the family of each victim received compensation of 1.4 million baht ($ 42,000 contract).

The body of the last missing tourist was confirmed

On Wednesday afternoon, Phuket Governor Norraphat Plodthong said at a press conference held at the command center that he had found another body. Chinese pbadengers can now confirm that the bodies of all the victims have been found.

Norraphat Plodthong said the authorities had discovered renminbi, seasickness drugs and lifejackets of the same type as "Phoenix" pbadengers on the body, initially identified as a Chinese pbadenger. The body should be shipped ashore Wednesday night and its identity information should be verified.

Up to now 47 missing tourists have been found, including a body under the ship, which is expected to begin rescue on the 12th.

Police: Two stowaways operate illegally

Tuesday, the 39th Thailand Tourism Authority conducted a raid investigation on 11 targets Surchaate Hakparn, deputy director of the Tourism Bureau, said the owner of Princess Aisha was a lazy cat. Travel Co Ltd), while Phoenix is ​​part of TC Blue Dream, both operating illegally.

Investigators said that an inspection at the Phuket dock revealed that the "Phoenix" did not meet safety standards, including the engines and pumps were not qualified, the engine was been modified by a 10-wheel truck engine. Smaller than the normal standard model.

Thai police also discovered other irregularities during TC Blue Dream's attack. Surachate said that the company's office in Thailand is a temporary place, and evidence suggests that it could be an illegal institution operated by businessmen. Chinese behind the Thai agent. The Thailand Anti-Money Laundering Bureau has stated that TC Blue Dream's documents regarding foreign currency payments are suspect.

Overbought said that after investigating the lazy cat travel agency, the Thai police found that many of the goods imported from the company did not pay any customs duties, and its Lifejackets were not certified by the Thai Standards Association.

Police also arrested Thai Itthirot Chawanphitalk, the former director of Tranlee Travel, who is inextricably linked to the lazy travel agency that transfers money to Chinese traders and uses fake Thai identity cards in Thailand. Business #

Publisher: Hua Ziming

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