All repatriated on the continent? Taiwan renews its demonstration – DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

All repatriated on the continent? Taiwan protests again DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

(German Voice Chinese Network) Taiwan said Indonesian authorities sent 22 Taiwanese citizens suspected of fraud to the People's Republic of China on Thursday (August 3rd). Earlier, Indonesian police announced they had arrested more than 100 alleged fraudsters in a simultaneous prosecution in many parts of the country, cheating businessmen and politicians in Mainland China, to a total amount of $ 450 million. On the 8th and 3rd, the Indonesian authorities sent these suspects back to Mainland China. Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said in a written statement that the Indonesian authorities, despite contempt for Taiwan's demands, persisted in sending the Taiwanese citizens involved in the case to Chengdu and Tianjin. On March 3, the Taiwan Affairs Council stated that "Lu Fang has repeatedly imprisoned the Taiwanese population on the continent, totally ignoring our goodwill and our appeals, and not favoring the investigation of cross-border crimes, but also affecting the good development of relations between the two shores. " He denies that there were any mistakes in the treatment of nationality during the repatriation work. "On the morning of 3 (Monday) morning, we repatriated 143 people suspected of cybercrime who took two planes and returned to China." Indonesian immigration spokesman Sambuno Agung Sampurno told AFP that "the suspects were repatriated and held temporary travel documents issued by the Chinese Embbady in Indonesia." A logical point of view, they are Chinese citizens. " The Indonesian spokesman for immigration also added that the planes that repatriated the suspects were prepared by the Chinese government. More than a year after Tsai Ing-wen became Taiwan's president, similar suspected incidents of criminals outside Taiwan have been repatriated to mainland China. Beijing is very upset that Tsai Ing-wen does not recognize the "consensus of 92". At the inauguration of Tsai Ing-wen's predecessor, who slowed and slowed relations between the two shores, if Ma Ying-jeou was arrested and repatriated abroad, an unofficial agreement between the mainland and Taiwan and the country involved in the case is suspected …

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