[Anime Festival Special] Should the original Hong Kong games have more local characteristics? – LetStartup.HK


Over the past two years, the government has vigorously promoted the e-sports campaign and has allocated the Cyberport to promote the electronic sports industry and promote the development of local game development industry video. In the past, few Hong Kong gaming companies have been mentioned.The market is almost divided by the Japanese and the United States.However, in recent years, not only Chinese games have made feats, but games produced by the Hong Kong people also began to attract attention.

At this year's first Anime Video Game Festival, the first "Hong Kong Original Game Show" was set up, and 29 startup gaming companies participated and offered new gaming demonstrations. However, compared to the mobile gaming market and more and more fierce gold games, two games with local features are particularly important in the "Hong Kong Original Game Show". From "Kowloon Feng Shui", "Sherwood 2" to "Sleeping Dogs", "Hong Kong" has always been a frequent visitor to the gaming world, but it is often limited to the inherent impression: Chinese restaurants, boxing Kung Fu, superstition Feng Shui, gangster shootings. If the game can serve as a channel for spreading the culture, what image should the native Hong Kong games have for foreign players?

Ghost Pie Studio: Ghost movie, Feng Shui are Hong Kong features

In a series of mobile games imitating Japanese and Korean styles, the "Niu Yi" puzzle game has a peculiarity. Huang Yilin, founder of Ghost Pie Studio, said it was his first puzzle challenge game, with common Hong Kong elements like Tang House, Feng Shui and Spirit, and who hopes the players will feel in Hong Kong.

Description of plot "Niu Yi" The heroine was kidnapped by her boyfriend on her birthday and placed under house arrest, players must constantly find clues in the room to escape . The game refers to ghost movies made in Hong Kong and well-known murders. The story is dark, and Huang Yilin said that these are the characteristics of Hong Kong movies, which hope to make more players feel foreigners.

Huang Yilin believes that the game is not only entertainment, but also a cultural vehicle. She mentioned that Taiwan's local work "Back to School" last year has allowed many Taiwanese and global players to recognize Taiwan during the period of martial law and also inspired to create "Niu Yi" with the local characteristics of Hong Kong. "Niu Yi" is very different from the game that she has developed independently, she is different from the traditional style that encourages Japanese and Korean styles and encourages scholarship. Huang Yilin think independent games should have more clean features, not just making money. The success of the work "Back to School" is worthy of Hong Kong.

At the game show, the demo version of "Niu Yi" was exposed, and it should be launched at the end of this year or next year. The game will be available on Xbox, PS4 and Steam, and will be available in both Japanese and English, in the hope of making other foreign players feel the original features of Hong Kong.

Scaffold Studio: I hope to restore the real side of Kowloon Walled City

If ghost film and gangster movie are common topics in Hong Kong, then "Kowloon Walled City" is more common. Scene of History The walled city of Kowloon became a "three unimportant" area due to historical factors and was demolished in the early 1990s. Due to the special background elements, it is mysterious, it has also been cleaned and can no longer prove its authenticity. The history of the walled city is full of all kinds of fantasies.

But is the true fortified city of Kowloon a hotbed of sin and violence? Is it full of yellow games? Is it a god of heaven? Today, we can only rely on a small number of historical data records in the city. Scaffold Studio of the Polytechnic School of Design hopes to restore the true face of the city through the Cage puzzle game.

is also a puzzle game, "Niu Yi" is the protagonist of the Tang House unit to find a way out, and "Cage Cage" allows players to play. explore a map simulating the true walled city of Kowloon. Through contact with residents and accomplishment of tasks, the mystery of the walled city of Kowloon was also unveiled while advancing the plot. Unlike foreign works that portray the city as a home of sin or a quirky feng shui, Chen Baoqi, a member of Scaffold Studio, says Cage Cage was able to demolish the walled city of Kowloon in the 1980s through interaction of a grandson and a grandson. Real life, historical context and cultural customs are presented.

Chen Baoqi pointed out that the previous games were too important to represent the mystery of the Walled City of Kowloon because the information was too small, at the same time. exception of some British government documents. According to the original hand-painted map of Walled City, and then interviewed with former residents to make up for the lack of information, try to replicate the real wall of the city in the game.

Compared to "Zi Yi ", which is very delicate, the image of" Cage Cage "is still approximate and the development is only one-third, so I hope to reap the demos at" Hong Kong Original Game Show "at Anime Video Game Festival. People's views have been improved with the official demo version in August and should be launched soon.

Abstract: Should the original Hong Kong games have more local characteristics?

The animation game festival was launched for many years, the first "Hong Kong Original Game Show" this year has proved that the local game development industry has become more and more mature. However, the author himself has observed nearly 30 exhibiting companies, and only the two mentioned in the article are based on local elements of Hong Kong.

Although "Niu Yi" and "Cage Cage" are exactly the opposite, one tries to reproduce the mysterious impression of Hong Kong: the family tries to make known the true Hong Kong to the Hungarians, but the point of departure is the same. Interest in bringing out the identity of Hong Kong through the game.

Of course, the author does not deny the efforts of other gaming companies, but the games are not only designed for Japan , South Korea or American design, but they can not help thinking about the market. To go too far?

It is true that business is a business, considering that gambling today is a global affair, if the market prefers to be "pseudo-Japanese" and not "real", such a decision is understandable. But the game with local features is definitely not just the Hong Kong market. Can Hong Kong's features be turned into a blockbuster element, which is a test of the creativity of the people of Hong Kong and the soft cultural power?

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