Announced 3D gun drawings of pleading lawyer Lawyer: online early | NTDTV design card


[New Tang Dynasty, 31 juillet 2018] The design of 3D printed plastic weapons in the United States will be legally downloadable online on August 1, which sparked heated debate.

The 3D printing gun was designed by Cody Wilson and the "defense" organization that he founded had a long-term legal confrontation with the US government and recently concluded regulations.

Starting Aug. 1, their 3D printing gun design drawings can be downloaded publicly on the Internet.

But 3D printed plastic guns can not be tracked because they do not have a serial number, and users do not need a background authentication for trigger the opposition.

Senator of the Democratic Party of Florida Bill Nelson: The shot of a 3D gun shot can be made public on the Internet. These weapons can avoid security systems at airports, customs, government buildings and stadiums.

Brigant, a lawyer for the organization "Defense Distribution", said the case was not about arms, but about the constitutional right to protect the freedom of expression, so they will always fight for it.

Bloomman's lawyer of "Defense Distribution": People may be surprised: indeed, the design files of these 3D printing rifles have been online for a long time, and the forthcoming documents are in line for almost ten years. Nothing new

While gun defense groups have generally rejected the controversy caused by 3D printing weapons, saying that plastic guns are expensive and unreliable, this is not worth the trouble worrying.

US President Trump said in a tweet on Tuesday: "I am investigating the sale of 3D plastic weapons to the public," and I've already spoken to the company. American Rifle Association.

New Tang Dynasty reporter Li Xin full report

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