Antarctic microneutrons confirm the origin Scientists judge from the black hole 3.7 billion light years | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play life. Music Technology


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The World's Largest Microneutron Observatory "IceCube" in Antarctica used an optical detector 2.5 km underground to detect a large black hole in the Earth at $ 3.7 billion. # 39; light years. Microneutrons launched. This discovery can help scientists understand the origin of the universe.

"Microneutrons" are uncharged subatomic particles that are mainly produced when a supernova bursts. In September 2017, the Microneutron Observatory in Antarctica used 86 under-ground excavated caves of 2,450 meters and placed 5,160 optical sensors to detect neutrinos that sometimes collide with ice molecules to produce charged particles. . " IceCube-170922A ", the scientists first determined that the source is Orion.

After commissioning of NASA's Fermi Gamma Ray space telescope, it was officially determined that these microneutrons came from a large black hole located 3.7 billion light-years away from the Earth. The variant of Yao. The razor sharpening body is an astronomical phenomenon produced by a large black hole in the center of the galaxy that absorbs a large amount of matter, transforming gravitational energy and rotational energy into a powerful jet. Francis Halzen, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said, "We have discovered the first source of cosmic rays." Scientists have confirmed that the glaring giant black hole is a proton accelerator for microneutrons and cosmic rays. A step will explore how microneutrons are produced.

This discovery was published in the latest issue of the journal Science.


Source: Science

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