Apple China iCloud is managed by China Telecom, and user data is even more disturbing! – Qooah


Since February 28, the iCloud business in mainland China is officially managed exclusively by Guizhou on the cloud. Subsequently, China Telecom Tianyi Cloud and Yunshang Guizhou have formally signed the "Infrastructure Agreement" ", the cloud will therefore hold the China Telecom Tianyi Cloud. Provide cloud storage services for iCloud. According to industry badysts, although both sides did not disclose the scale of cooperation, the volume and storage scale of all iCloud users in China are very important and the cooperation between the two parties will be one of the most important. . At present, Guizhou is the only partner of Apple's iCloud business in mainland China and will also be responsible for operating the national data center supporting iCloud service in China. Previously, as the iCloud service did not have a data center in China, users would connect to the iCloud service and connect to Apple's data center in North Carolina (US) before return to China.

On the cloud, Guizhou revealed that Apple's investment in China's data center will reach 1 billion dollars and will cover an area of ​​1000 mu. It will be built in two phases and is expected to be commissioned in early 2020. By that time, all data from iCloud users in Mainland China will be moved from overseas to the data center operated by the company Guizhou. In the transition period, Guizhou cloud company will cooperate with the three main operators in China to provide operational services for Apple iCloud by renting clouds. In addition, China Telecom has become the leading provider of cloud storage services for continental operations from iCloud China to Guizhou, which has announced that it will provide quality services for networks and data centers. .

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