Apple donated an iPad to the school and students protested against teacher-student interaction | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play life. Music technology


November 29, 2018 • Tablet PC •

If you ask Apple to give you an iPad to help you learn, I think the average student should feel excited, perhaps not so. Apple CEO Cook and US President Trump's daughter Ivanka went to Wilder Elementary School in Wilder, Idaho, where I was Idaho's lowest-paid campus. In 2016, Apple Teachers and students of the office gave the iPad to help him in his study.

However, when Cook and Ivanka visited Wilder Elementary School on Tuesday, high school students from Wilder Middle School came out of campus to protest, claiming that the iPad sent by Apple two years ago had destroyed the interaction between students and teachers. . After the delivery of the iPad by Apple in 2016, Jeff Dillon, director of Wilder Campus, said the tablet would help students learn by themselves, the school would be taught by the teacher , that the traditional education mode would pbadively be received by the students and that the student would be badisted by the tablet. Active learning, the teacher as a new way to help and guide.

Some high school students said that after the transition from the iPad to the school and the change of teaching mode, students could only unlock the test or go to the stage following of learning and have the opportunity to interact with the teacher. Students pointed out that the emergence of the iPad had turned the course into self-learning, thereby cutting off any interaction with the clbadroom teacher, and that Apple had not not responded to the protest of the student.

Source: Dailymail

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