Apple India faces big problems Reject anti-harassment App will hand over the phone – Hong Kong Sina


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According to India, Apple, which is not growing well in the Indian market, is once again facing enormous challenges: it refuses to launch the anti-harbadment software developed by India within the prescribed time, the operator is obliged to leave the network.

  Apple India is facing big problems! Refusing to prevent harbadment The shelves of the application will cause the retreat of the iPhone

Apple India is facing big problems! Refusal of the anti-harbadment App will lead to the retirement of the iPhone

Apple has not yet authorized the anti-harbadment software called DND (Do Not Disturb), developed by the company. Indian Telecommunications Authority for many years and its development This software is designed to respond to harbading calls and text messages used to track calls and SMS.

But Apple thinks that this app can access consumers' phone calls and text messages, harming the privacy of users, and so refused to be on the App Store.

The Indian Telecommunications Authority has asked the Indian telecom operators to install the latest version of the DND application, or DND 2.0, for all smartphones in India, for smartphones that do not have any. have not installed the application after 6 months. The Indian Telecommunications Authority will require telecom operators to remove these handsets from the mobile network, and the corresponding smartphones will not be able to use the Indian telecom carrier's network.

Google allowed DND to be placed on the Google Play Store so that users could remove it in 2016, so that only AppleApp Store did not allow it to be on the shelves.If Apple refuses to be on the shelves before January 19, 2019, Indian consumers The normal use of the iPhone in your hand will be affected.

The supervision of the Indian Communications Authority is the Indian telecom operator, but if the telecom operator removes the iPhone from the network as required, it is still affected by Apple and its consumers , which is not conducive to Apple in India. The future development of a high potential market.

Although Apple is clearly reluctant to accept the requirements of DND Indian applications, Apple tried to solve this problem last year In October of last year, Apple agreed to cooperate with the Indian Communications Authority to develop DND applications, but It may be that he is still not willing to share the call log and user information.

As we all know, Apple's attitude to privacy protection has been quite severe: in 2016, it refused the FBI's request to help unblock a iPhone 5c, even if the Apple CEO wants to participate in Congress to unlock the iPhone. The audience, they have not compromised.

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