Are you joking with God? Xi Jinping is afraid to be the target of the public |


Chinese President Xi Jinping (Source: AP)

(Taiwan English News / Wu Dongwen Full Report on Foreign Affairs) We only presented yesterday (16th), Japanese media and Chinese media reported that the Xi Jinping's dominant roots were shaking. Please click here to review. Nowadays, there is another Japanese media, and it seems that even the Chinese Communist Party is very dissatisfied with Xi Jinping's divine movement.

"Sankei Shimbun" from Japan reported that the Beidaihe meeting will take place in the next month (8), and Xi Jinping feared that he would be the subject of criticism at the meeting. The report reviewed a recent photo of a madness on the Chinese Internet, asking the construction unit to immediately remove the photo of Xi Jinping, and a woman who was stunned by the photo of Xi Jinping and was arrested by the police. We also have related reports, please click on the super login review. In addition, a research institute founded by the Chinese government in Shaanxi Province suddenly stopped studying the plan of thoughts and achievements of Xi Jinping, which attracted attention. "Sankei Shimbun" pointed out that some of the party members led by Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin were very worried about Xi Jinping's god-making movement during the Cultural Revolution. Therefore, the outside world believes that Chinese gods have recently The movement began to be shouted, perhaps because Xi Jinping changed his own conservative attitude to avoid criticism, or counter-attack of "anti-study".

The report stated that Chinese Communist Party leaders and elders had participated in the Beidaihe meeting to discuss staff and policy meetings. Now, many elders have written to the Chinese Communist Party and are in favor of the meeting. explicitly oppose Xi Jinping. Movement of God

Fucking God's wrath? The fear of the public by Xi Jinping

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