[Aspect Nouvelles] Vaccine 哪里 Where was the journalist who told the truth?


[Epoch Times 20:25, 25th] Hello everyone, welcome to all to subscribe to the news, I am Li Muyang.

For several days, people's attention on the Changchun Longevity Vaccine Incident was high and public opinion was furious. Xi Jinping, who interviewed yesterday (July 23), asked that "the use of ferocious drugs to break up and heal the bones and cure the poison" was studied and seriously considered, Li Keqiang was in the previous night . The instructions should be given to the people of the country with a clear explanation.

After the statement of Li Keqiang, neither the Xinhua News Agency nor the People 's Daily reported it on the same day. The Chinese Communist Party website is even more embarrbading: in the report, a photo of Li Keqiang's photo in 2016 was used. This is the picture of his "investigation in the end, do not tolerate" after the Shandong vaccination incident.

I do not know what is the website of the Chinese government, the Apple daily pointed out that it is the greatest irony of Li Keqiang. Li Keqiang said last year that "the quality of vaccines is safe and untouchable", but this red line has been affected again and again, the moral result is also a breakthrough, only a minimum, not a minimum.

Looking at the goal of "complete investigation" of the CCP, is it aimed at dark-hearted companies that have no moral limit and that are losing humanity, or to reporters who report the truth of the incident? Still a lawyer for the rights of the people? Or are people who want to ask the truth? Who is not "tolerated" to whom?

After the instructions of the management, the scapegoats were quickly expelled several times, and the black curtains were revealed. It was discovered that the milk powder leader was not leaving the office, and now the vaccine is being administered.

Zhang Kai, a rights lawyer, wrote an article entitled "Everything about a boat": "The initial problem of the vaccine has not been solved and the people who administered the vaccine have not been solved. did not solve the problem 19659003] He reviewed the rights and interests of family members of the Shanxi Poison Vaccine in 2010. After being posted on WeChat, he quickly became the subject of rumors and received a cap of 300,000 yuan in a short time.However, it was cleaned up by the network management department, and Zhang Kai's WeChat public account also blocked all functions.

article presents the incident of the Shanxi poison vaccine in 2010. Many children suddenly convulsed after the end of the vaccine, and some died.For the next 8 years, Zhang Kai has experienced various ups and downs lows and changes in life Wang Keqin, a journalist who i disclosed the Shanxi poison vaccine, was fired by the newspaper and the editor-in-chief Bao Yueyang was sacked.

Wang Keqin published "The Shanxi Vaccines Vaccine Survey" in 2010. The photo shows the central part of the "problem vaccine" in Shanxi, Wang Mingliang, a peasant from Liulin County who lost his son and the victim's parents in court. (Wang Keqin Blog)

Wang Keqin was the chief reporter of China Economic Times and the first reporter in China to expose the power outage of the vaccine problem. A few years ago, he told the media: "The Shanxi vaccine case has disappeared and there will be problems in Shandong and throughout the country!" Wang Keqin said a word and the events of Today confirm his prediction.

This is not a word, as asked by the lawyer of Zhang Kai: Is the vaccine problem really a vaccine problem? Delete the toxic vaccine post, will the vaccine problem be solved? In 2013, the Southern Metropolis Daily revealed in the survey report "The Vaccine" that China is the country most affected by vaccination accidents and the worst in the world: at least 1,000 children suffer each year from vaccine sequelae or die or die. It's just now that it's spread from the original Shanxi to the whole country, maybe just started.

Among the continent's media practitioners, there are still journalists who have a conscience and who dare to tell the truth, they can also investigate and report truths. At the time, there were active investigative reporters who discovered the truth about the incident, such as the "melamine incident" and "the train crash to great speed".

But the incident of Sanlu milk powder continues for 10 years now, especially in recent years, reporters who have the truth of these excavation events have gradually disappeared from public opinion. Once the storm resurfaces, there is no more third voice besides the popular whispers and the official media.

The longevity incident and vaccination was a real report of a long-time old employee and then the media king, "The King of Vaccines," accelerated the spread of the drug. 39; incident. Millions of reading points between the night, if not deleted urgently, do not know how many people will read. Such public security incidents can only be broadcast by the media, and it is also the sorrow of the Chinese.

Everyone thinks about it.Production, supervision, approval, sales and other aspects of the vaccine involve a series of security inspection services. is not easy to spend money.Ghan Junfang, Du Weimin and Han Gangjun, III Master personally half of the national vaccine, there is no big support, how can this be done? How can it be a problem many times and reported every year, but no one can shake it?

Before the appearance of the fake vaccine, Gao Junfang's daughter-in-law made a high-profile broadcast on the Internet. (Network picture synthesis)

Now, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang say that they should thoroughly investigate, people are attentive, is it really possible to find the support behind the "King of Vaccines "? "Show" with images?

In fact, it's just a big support, but also a solution to the surface problem. Just like a person who is sick, because there is a "lesion" in the body, the "disease" must be removed and the disease can be good. This vicious public event on the continent continues to occur because under the CCP system, the human heart has been transformed by the CCP. If we want to completely solve the problem, we must only disintegrate the CCP and return to the tradition, otherwise, how to deal with the individual will be a temporary solution.

"Who does not have children, who can avoid being bitten by a dog?" It's a sentence of Zhang Kai. In the face of the vaccine, everyone is on the same boat, there are no spectators, no people who eat melons, including CCP officials, and those who are very "patriotic".

Everyone found that the boat had been stolen by the worm and that the boat was leaking. In horror, I wanted to find an investigative reporter and a human rights lawyer to help ask for a statement, but people could not find it. Zhang Kai said, "Where are they, go to Google on their own." #

Thank you for your attention to the news, and then.

Epoch Times "News Watch" Production Group

Publisher: Li Wei

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