AV Lin Zhiling 2 degree of possession of poison was taken 3 degrees canceled the appearance of the courtyard was blown pregnancy – free entertainment


2018/07/04 16:02

[Entertainment Channel / Rapport détaillé] The Japanese AV actress Aso Hiroshi, with a soft appearance and high academic qualifications, was sealed "AV Kobayashi Chi Ling", the future of the darkness is very optimistic Unexpectedly, there has been negative news such as suicides and drug abuse, the picture has fallen to the bottom of the valley, she's been hiding for a few months she's pregnant and will be promoted to mother in September. According to reports in the Japanese media, Aso was in Meguro's Tokyo residence, where he discovered a large number of narcotics and drugs and was arrested in the company of his unscrupulous boyfriend Takahashi Ai Ping. In May, she was released on bail and the man returned to his hometown to live with his parents, sharing short hair pics on Twitter.

Asohi said that even if something happens in the future, it will be accepted, because that is his own life, and he will continue to live.After the end of the text, it will be revealed to nowadays.At today, she is pregnant and in May she started using different forms. On the third day, Gao Yiping's father pleaded with the judge on the 2nd. He revealed that he met his son at the end of March, while the other party told him that he would be dad. and that his mother was Shimazaki (Mashih). On September 17, "We have already thought about the name of the baby and we hope to get married and live together." Aso is a beautiful model, very popular with fans, and has the title of "AV Kobayashi". (Reflected by Twitter) After Aso was released on bail in May, he shared a short haircut on Twitter. (Twitter Reflection)

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