BBC: Systematic rotten from the point of view of vaccines | False vaccines | Biology of longevity New Tang Dynasty TV


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, Juillet 24, 2018] The fake vaccine incident continued to ferment, causing national anger. British media said the outbreak of the fake vaccine incident is a microcosm of the institutional and systematic disintegration of the CCP. Some badysts believe that the authorities only play one or two pharmaceutical companies, but they can not change the whole structure, all is in vain, in the end, people suffer.

On July 23, an article in the WeChat public account, "The King of Vaccines," touched the hearts of thousands of Chinese.

The article reveals Changchun Changsheng, a large Chinese vaccine production company, which is fraudulent in the production of rabies vaccines, which is even more worrisome: a batch of off-white vaccine (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus ) produced by this company does not conform to standards. Ten thousand problem vaccines were sold and reached the body of 250,000 children.

This article caused a sensation, sensational social media. Because of the involvement of children, the false vaccine incident has touched the painful point, and the public should not scream. For a time, the "vaccine" became the most sensitive topic that ignited the angry feelings of the Chinese people. The article has now been deleted.

The BBC article stated that triggering longevity and vaccination is a microcosm of institutional and systematic decay of the CCP. Vaccine regulation involves multiple ministries and localities From the point of view of Changsheng's development, the CCP's regulatory system is ineffective.

As early as 2016, the problem vaccine for older students was exposed, but this did not affect the ongoing production of the vaccine, and the vaccine was launched on the market, without affecting its development. Become a leading company in the industry. According to Changsheng's annual report, in 2017, the company's vaccine sales ranked second in the country.

Not only is this a longevity, but with respect to vaccine safety, there have been terrestrial media exposures many years ago. In 2010, some mainland media reported on the Shanxi vaccine situation, which also caused public concern, but the journalists who drafted the report were forced to resign. Things are gone.

Since then, investigative reports are declining in China, and some excellent investigative reporters have not done so, or have left or changed their careers, so that they are not in the same position. There is no decent survey report in China today. The role of monitoring public opinion has almost disappeared.

The article also stated that the incident of the fake vaccine had been discovered by Sun Xianze, deputy director of the Food and Drug Administration. Sun Xianze, who was responsible for food hygiene in the past, was punished for the Sanlu incident, but after six months he changed his body and was responsible for drug safety. To give a person concerned with the health and safety of children to such a person to manage, how can the public trust the CCP's regulatory system?

The fake vaccine scandal also alarmed the Chinese Communist Party's top leaders, who said the incident was so serious and shocking that he ordered an investigation. Li Keqiang also said that the fake vaccine incident has crossed the moral bottom line of the people and must give people a clear explanation.

However, some badysts believe that under the CCP system, senior leaders can only shout slogans with helplessness and can not solve problems at the root.

Current affairs commentator Liu Ruishao pointed out that the current situation was caused by CCP officials: "Now, the drug tyrant is also a former state-owned enterprise.Under the policy public enterprises are gradually being transformed into private enterprises. "

The problem of drug tyrants and medical tyrants has become a structural problem: the problem of collusion between government and business is serious: interests are intertwined: intermediate exploitation can not be solved immediately, if it is cut off by force, it must touch the vested interests. Liu Rushao said that the authorities have not implemented any political reforms or reforms of companies, that they have played only one or two pharmaceutical companies, but that they could not fight the whole structure. People are suffering.

The BBC believes that there is no civil society, no media monitoring, no people and industrial autonomy, no law, the party does everything, and disintegration institutional and systemic CCP is exposed to vaccines.

The toxic vaccine incident caused the Chinese people to despair for the CCP system. The continent unleashed the "toilet revolution." In the online photos, slogans appearing in many public toilets in China read the words "overthrow the Communist Party".

(Reporter Luo Tingting Report / Publisher: Li Quan)

Related links: The president of the fake vaccine was swept away Xi Jinping ordered a check

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