Beijing News: Can not relax vigilance against Hainan's "horse race" – Hong Kong Sina


Original title: Hainan reform comprehensive situation, let the "horse race" take the lead

For the current "horse race" in Hainan, can not relax vigilance, especially to prevent some companies by the irresponsible concept of hype, the risk is pbaded on to the social and financial markets.

  ▲ Source of the graphic: Visual China

▲ Image source: Visual China

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Some media have found that Hainan bears the name of "horse racing", "equestrian" and "horse culture". Or more than 30 companies with this field of activity, involving at least 10 cities of horse racing and horse breeding park projects. The staff of the provincial department of culture and sports of Hainan said that the various rumors concerning the recent horse racing cities and horse breeding park projects are "business behaviors" and do not represent the official.

After many years of interruption, the "Soma fever" became public again, but also in April of this year, when the State Council issued "notices of guidance on the support to the" comprehensive deepening of reform and openness ". Horse racing and other projects support the establishment of a national sports tourism demonstration area. Explores the development of sport-type quiz lottery tickets and large-scale international events that open up lottery tickets.

The horse racing industry has been the subject of short tests in mainland China, but because it is closely related to the game, after the tightening of the policy, the racetracks built in the country will be inactive or closed or misused. In Hainan, the first racecourse approved in the past has now become a real estate development.

The State Council's advice on the reform and opening up of Hainan has caused great concern from all walks of life. This is the context of the intensive horse racing project. Like a local listed company specializing in hog farming, the third day of the publication of the Opinions was announced. as a result of the horse racing complex. This can be understood as the sense of smell of the business and, to some extent, the epitome of overheating the investment.

In order to calm the "horse race", local officials have already responded: "Before the introduction of the" Horse Racing Development Plan of Hainan Province ", rumors about the race movement of horses in Hainan are fake. " But that did not stop the horse racing project from flourishing everywhere. In addition, media reports indicate that many of the companies entering the horse racing industry are still state-owned companies.

In the new round of reform and opening of Hainan, there are many highlights, such as the establishment of a free trade zone, a port free trade and an international tourist island. Among them, foreign tourist visas open in Hainan, etc., are all worthy of attention, as are many business opportunities to discover. On the contrary, cultural and sporting projects such as horse racing represent only a small part of the overall construction-related tourism sector in Hainan and should not be the target of the Hainan. public opinion and should not be the target of overheated investments.

Companies rush to the horse racing project, which leads to factors of production and production that can not be placed in the most urgent places, and it is easy to distort the rational organization local industries. In the end, it can also affect the overall situation of reform and openness in Hainan, which we do not want to see.

Judging by the experiences of the horse racing industry in the past, this has ended in failure: there are political factors and the complexity of the industry it -even. Even though it's not related to the game, it's only a race for a sporting competition, and the requirements for infrastructure support are not low.

For example, horse racing requires an epidemic-free zone certified by the International Horse Federation, but areas of which Hainan are currently unable to meet these material standards. In addition, large scale events are not a small test for regional transportation and home capacity.

Indeed, even in Hong Kong, where the horse race is mature, there are only two racetracks. In the space of a few months in Hainan, more than 10 "horse racing cities" and farmland projects have sprung up, which shows the rash mood of some companies.

Although the "Horse Racing Development Plan of Hainan Province" was formulated in a precise manner, in the period of introduction of the policy, based on the planning and orientation of the sector it is essential for Hainan.

For "horse racing", you can not relax your vigilance because of corporate behavior, especially to prevent some companies from pbading on risk to social and financial markets through hype. irresponsible. It is necessary to let the "horse races" return to their simple stylistic attributes, to reduce the speculative mentality attached to it and to let it serve all the reform of Hainan. In short, Hainan's current "horse racing fever" needs to cool, and Hainan has a broader reform and exploration worthy of our expectations.

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