Beijing official sings new fermentation of Wutong Taiwan in spring – Free Asia Radio Cantonese (FRG)

Beijing official sings double fermentation of Wutong Taiwan in spring: Free Asia Radio Cantonese (FRG)

A spokesman for the Taiwanese presidential palace on Monday (November 11th) condemned Li Kexin, Chinese envoy to the United States, for his irresponsible remarks and the refusal of the international community. The same day, he was asked to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, "The day the US warship arrived in Kaohsiung is the moment when the military force unified Taiwan." That she represents the position of the Chinese government, spokesman Lu Hao responded and continued to adhere to the principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems". (Report of Huo Liangqiao) In Taipei, the presidential palace spokesman Huang Chongxi said that according to the diplomatic status of Li Kexin, the Chinese Embbady in the United States, "the day the warship American would have arrived at Kaohsiung, "said that it would not be the president. The government replied. Huang Zhongyu pointed out that during the past period, the international community had already learned about Taiwan's efforts and its hope to gradually resolve the confrontation and differences between the two sides through the good interaction that united them . Huang Chongxi said: "A speech like this aimed at undermining regional stability is not only reluctant to see the international community, nor is it a responsible practice. " The US Congress pbaded the "National Defense Licensing Act for FY 2018", which asks the Pentagon to study the feasibility of mutual visits and berthing of warships. American and Taiwanese. Li Kexin, Chinese envoy to the United States (8th), was sent to the Taiwanese media in Washington. Li Kexin said that he had already pointed out to the US Congress that "the day American warships arrived in Kaohsiung was the moment when the People's Liberation Army used force to unify Taiwan" . He also said that the exchange of visits between American and Taiwanese warships violated the basic spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States. In Beijing, when the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman was questioned on Monday about the Chinese government's position, Li Kexin's remarks revealed that Lu Hao did not respond positively. Lu said that he would continue to adhere to the principle of "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems, promote the peaceful development of relations between the two shores and promote peaceful reunification." On the same day, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Do your best to fight for the prospect of peaceful reunification. When Qiu Yizhen, of the Taiwan Association for the Promotion of Human Rights, accepted this visit, he said that Taiwan and …

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