Belgian Gold Generation 撼 Brazil – World Cup – am730


Generation of Belgian gold 撼 Brazil

Among the top 8 games of the Russian World Cup, Belgium believes that Brazil is the strongest: the "Samba" Corps is a star, and the "European Red Devils" also have the "Golden Generation".


Belgium with star players such as Chbadat, Kiwi Dibney, Lukagu ​​and Talco Gauss, has been highly anticipated in recent years, but four years ago the cup and the cup of 39 Europe two years ago, Belgium stopped in the top eight, and captain Gao Bini, the big brother who came back from Japan, said: "The word" Golden Generation "does not have the same meaning. is not what the players think.I'm crazy, but for our generation of players, it's a decisive battle, I'm not saying that we have always failed, but to move to the next level, we have to do it through events like Brazil. "Gabriel also thinks that many players in the tournament have pbaded club-level events, changing the mentality of the war. "In the past, we have lost the game to such events, and 100% believe that I can beat Brazil I do not know if this will happen because Brazil is a high-level team, but I do not know Do not think about it one day before going to bed: "How do we lose when we lose?" After a tough battle Against Japan, but the process is only 9.35 seconds of tradition, still shows the high quality of players in the game, according to the Belgian media, the team drilled only 13 people on Wednesday, so that most players retain their strength to cope with this game. Hard.

Brazil scored the top 8 with great heat, the performance was stable and the domineering was insufficient.While the star Nima improved, the captain helped the goal and helped Mexico, but it seems that more people are focusing on the violation.The exaggerated answer, the statistics refers to his t otal of 13 minutes and 50 seconds in the four seasons. "The big whistle" Ronnadu must support Nima "I do not agree with these critics, he is a smart player who knows how to protect himself when he is intercepted, I also think that the card is not enough for him. " Nima is flying a shot in Mexico, but said that Velian is a better player, I believe that there will not be too much objection, coupled with the Philippine slave Philippine who scored two goals in the group match, Samba Corps L 'attack is still guaranteed. Brazil will have a suspension of the Cbadim road in the future, and its position is supposed to be replaced by Ferrando.

Source: Cup / Belgium Gold Generation- 撼 Brazil-132517

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