Blockchain electoral system for R & D in South Korea Initiation of initial tests next month | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play Life. Music technology


November 29, 2018 • Information Security •

Many people are exploring the application of the blockchain and the Korean government plans to apply blockchain technology to the electoral system. The South Korean National Electoral Commission, in cooperation with the Science and ICT Department, has developed a voting system based on blockchain technology. This is not the first time Korea has used the online voting system . As early as 2013, the National Electoral Commission used a system called K-vote. However, because of hacking and fraud, the outside world trusts the system in general.

The news refers to the latest electoral system of the Korean National Electoral Commission, which uses blockchain technology to verify the identity of voters and record their voting choices, which will help improve transparency and security, thus strengthening confidence in the digital voting system. Before the actual launch, authorities instructed the Blockchain Association of the Seoul National University, as well as the Korean Office for the Internet and Security, to begin preliminary testing starting next month .

A long test period should be necessary, and the National Electoral Commission of Korea will decide whether to officially introduce blockchain technology into the voting system. South Korea is not the first country to consider introducing blockchain technology into the electoral system. The United States, West Virginia and the Japanese city of Tsukuba conducted similar tests in August and September, mainly to verify voter identity.

Source: thenextweb

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Tags: blockchain, vote, korea

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