Blood Times | United States and Japan to 30 billion US dollars of the Trump Chinese goods tax threatened to increase to 500 billion


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing


The United States will formally impose a 25% tariff on more than $ 30 billion worth of Chinese goods, including machinery, auto parts and medical equipment, as of today. (July 6th). US President Trump said that over the next two weeks, the second batch of Chinese goods worth $ 16 billion would be taxed, and that the value of Chinese products involved in taxation would exceed 500 billion US dollars. 400 billion US dollars.

Trump attended a party building conference and said that he respected China and respected President Xi Jinping, but China kills the United States last year, the deficit between the China and the United States exceeded $ 570 billion. He also pointed out that the United States lost many years in the trade war, but now the United States will win because the United States has all the cards.

In response to US tariff collection, China will also begin to impose tariffs on like goods in the United States, including agricultural goods and automobiles.

(Source: Wireless Info Screen Capture)

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