Boshen's birthday sister port, big game of human meat sandwich, quite milk D, anyone lying down – free entertainment


2018/07/24 18:06

[Reporter Wu Menglun / Rapport Taipei] The Hong Kong actress Peng Huizhong won the eighth place in the selection of Miss Hong Kong, and her body was sealed as "Sister of the Pooh". Yesterday (23) She spent her 29th birthday, and her friend PO showed pictures of their "human-fleshed sandwiches", which prompted fans to chat.

Peng Huizhong and Lin Shumin and Song Zhiling, who together organized the program, Lin Shumin posted a photo of his birthday in IG I saw Song Zhiling holding a pillow as a cushion of meat at the bottom Shou Xing Peng Huizhong lying In the middle, the top Lin Shumin D-clbad beauty of Peng Huizhong as a pillow, the whole person lying on it, making a similar lower-size movement, googly eyes put on an expression playful on the goal. The fans laughed and said, "You've crushed everyone's team," "Difficulty up to level 10," "It looks a little scary." Peng Huizhong. (Reflected from Peng Huizhong IG) Peng Huizhong (middle) and his friends celebrated. (Lin Shumin IG review) Peng Huizhong has a hot body. (Reviewed Peng Huizhong IG)

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