Brazilian ex-president Laura is allowed out of jail to wait for the result of the call – News – Xincheng Finance Channel


The former Brazilian President Laura is allowed to be released from prison pending appeal

9/7/2018 0:55
Former Brazilian President Laura is serving a sentence 12 years in prison for corruption and money laundering, he is allowed to leave prison.
In April, the Supreme Court vetoed Laura so that she would not be forced to go to jail until she had exhausted all avenues of appeal. The court ruled that Laura would begin serving her sentence and would wait for the outcome of the appeal. The judge of the court ordered his release Sunday
Laura, aged 72, was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison, then to the Court of Appeal at the beginning of the year and 12 years and a month in prison. The president, who allegedly illegally accepted a construction company, set up a seaside mansion, insisted on his innocence, was politically persecuted and wanted to prevent him from participating in the October general elections of that year. year.

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