Bright and dark, Zhao Xue and forced to lift the middle finger | Metropolitan Daily


2018 / 07/18 (Wednesday) 00:00

Ming draws Zhao Xue dark thumb and is forced to lift the middle finger [19659011] <! –


Zhao Xue and went to travel earlier, carefully slamming the door to kiss the middle finger, and back to Hong Kong, of course, the first time to go to the doctor, because the bed d 39, nail burst, get a minor operation. However, Zhao Xue is struggling, and Zhongxiao tells jokes at "high middle finger" for a week! 喺 喺 facebook message: "A painful night, you have to hold the middle finger for a week, be a disabled grandmother. nail bed bursts, you have to do a minor operation … Result, he was meticulously sharp and suffers again, after the anesthesia … … every pulse and every point position, I clearly feel pain, and it is convenient to use only the right hand, I want to be quick and easy. "The net system is only injured and tied into a plantain. I've already expressed my feelings for learning and having some feelings! And netizens are a blessing for the channel, and they hope to learn and hurry, but it is recommended that the channels be so good that they raise their right hand, and when they arrive, they will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

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