British media: Police discovered that Russians have committed crimes – Hong Kong Sina


Original title: British media: Police discovered that Russians committed crimes

According to Xinhua News Agency? The British Newspaper Association reported on the 19th that the British police had identified the "several" suspects who had poisoned the former Russian intelligence officer Scripal and his daughter and had "determined" that they were Russian. British police did not respond to this report.

The Russian ambbadador to the United Kingdom, Yakovenko, must meet British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt in the day to discuss the case. Russia has repeatedly reiterated Britain to "plant" Russia.

An insider who did not want to be named told the Press Association that British police investigating the case had found the suspect's trace with the help of a surveillance system. closed circuit television. The police went through the surveillance screen with the collection files of foreign portraits entering the UK and determined the identity of the suspect. The person aware of the question said: "The investigators believe that they found the suspects of the attack" Novich ", and they determined that the suspects were Russian."

Scripal and his daughter Yuli In early March, Ya was stunned on a bench in the streets of the city of Salisbury, in the south of the country, and was admitted to the hospital. The British police discovered that the two people had developed the "Novick" nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union, and thus identified Russia as a "poison attack". Both were released after treatment.

A couple appeared the same day on June 30 in a house located 11 km from the stunned place of father and daughter of Scripar, who were admitted to the hospital after being unaware . The woman died from death and the man is still in the hospital. Later, the police found a small bottle containing the nerve agent "Novick" at home.

The British Foreign Office said on the 13th of this month that the British side has invited experts from the OPCW to take samples for laboratory tests.

Police will take a closer look at the contents of the bottle to determine if the neurotoxic agent responsible for the poisoning of the couple by the father and daughter of Scrippar is in the same batch.

British police are investigating whether the two cases are related. The UK has already used this reason to expel Russian diplomats in the UK. The United States and other Western countries "station", have followed to expel Russian diplomats. Russia reprimanded the British for "self-direction and self-acting", "planting" Russia and expelling diplomats from Britain and the United States with equal numbers.

(Wang Hongbin)

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