"Brothers," Jiang Jiamin was expelled as a result of the candidate's views. The number of suspects 4 dramas rushed to seize the hand? | Latest entertainment news | Oriental Xindi


The shortlist was announced by the Wanqian Xinghui Awards Ceremony, which was attended by the Emperor, who suddenly aroused an increased reaction from the emperor, which provoked a Zhang Weijian's reaction is more intense. However, cautious people discovered that Jiang Jiamin, the heroine of "Brothers", was not on the list of finalists. She had four plays in her hand, and she was selected as "Brother".


Written by: Oriental Xindi, Anna | Source: Stills, instagram

"Brothers" Jiang Jiamin was launched after the candidate

Jiang Jiamin was very renowned for her pure student image and her natural actress talents in the drama "Kissing My Good Mom". She was nominated for the Best Award at the 2017 Mille Stars ceremony with the role of "Yan Yuyu". "Supporting Actress" has also been nominated for the "Best Female Freestyle Obstacle Winner TVB" and "TVB TV Favorite Character" awards at the TVB Malaysia Starlight 2017 Awards Ceremony.

Jiang Jiamin
"My mother is missing"
"My mother is missing"
"My mother is missing"
"My mother is missing"

Jiang Jiamin is now 24 years old. It's not easy to have a heroine in two years. The future is also limitless. Jiang Jiamin's acting talents have certainly improved, but compared to other opponents, it seems like Chen Hao, Huang Zhiwen, Hu Dingxin, and so on. are not enough to "get in the throat". Maybe Big Taiwan think Jiang Jiamin could still wait a few years after his selection.

Zhu Chenli is also normal after being selected. This year she has filmed four dramas, including "The Legend of the Valley of the Peace Valley", "The Time of Dongren", "Stunt Man" and "Brother". It's not difficult to see her this year. It's a great strength, but what people do not understand is that they are the heroines of "Stunt Man" and "The Time of Dongren". They are finally selected by "Brothers", which will inevitably lead people to understand why. Jiang Jiamin, the heroine of the brothers, was not selected.

"Dongren's time"
"Dongren's time"

"Stunt Man" Zhu Chenli upper valley bra as complete as 34D

| Make sport skulls

In "Stunt Man", Zhu Chenli and the good sister Fu Jiali do sports together: Fu Jiali wears a sports vest, but Zhu Chenli is covered in the upper body and this episode seems to be a gadget!

Fu Jiali has a gadget!

| Zhu Chenli is between two types of men

In the play, Zhu Chenli encircled the two men, Tan Junyan and Guan Chuyao, a very large object, and the latter is talented and funny, and continues, what is it exactly? Zhu Chenli, who has been hesitant, must express her love!

Zhu Chenli Zhu Chenli

After the exercise, Zhu Chenli returned to the housing company, after the goal was returned, the channel had already removed the upper body and showed slippery white back! What is the most anticipated look of the audience?

Zhu Chenli
The show begins!

Zhu Chenli top valley bra up to 34D

Have a good time! In addition to the remaining sports bra pieces, Zhu Chenli, Gu Ding 34D bursting with blood, a photo is really shocking! In the room, the niece of Zhu Chenli also explodes, but the man's head is so numb and it's a bit of a glbad!

Zhu Chenli

| Gu siestas for a moment

Zhu Chenli
After finishing the exercise and drunk the frozen spit, taking a nap is a real pleasure!

| Tan Junyan squatting to stay in the sun

After the actor Tan Junyan appeared, he returned to the housing company to see the ambiguity of Zhu Chenli, stay in the lobby! And Zhu Chenli is also afraid to bounce back instantly and hit the feet!

Zhu Chenli
It seems to be falling from the bustle …
Zhu Chenli
It's really exaggerated …

When Zhu Chenli was about to leave, Tan Junyan immediately asked, "Do you want to get out of the street?" But Zhu Chenli immediately replied, "Do you want to solve it?" Xiaobian wants to ask: is this a solution?

Zhu Chenli
After that, he played a card action and Tan Junyan immediately took off the jersey and the woman.
Zhu Chenli
But clearly, Zhu Chenli has a personal style?

| Tan Junyan helps Zhu Chenli to apply his foot

When Tan Zhan Chenli put a foot on the cbad, Zhu Chenli revealed that she and Guan Chuyao were perhaps behind and I asked Tan Junyan to congratulate and try the reaction from the other party. Knowing that Tan Junyan pretends not to care about the words "pull and pull", Zhu Chenli is really a ghost!

Sleeping Beauty sofa

It turned out that the show was not over! As soon as the photo turned, I saw Zhu Chenli's couch hanging over the bra. Tan Junyan was afraid of the cold and buried it in a good way.

Zhu Chenli
Sleeping is so attractive!

Zhu Chenli
I know that Zhu Chenli suddenly appeared and Zhong Zhongyan demolished Tan Yuyan!
Zhu Chenli
"Is there a hand on me?"

Zhu Chenli Tan Junyan is deeply in love with tin

While waiting for other episodes, Zhu Chenli and Tan Junyan finally greeted the first kiss! Both people are more excited, and when Tan Junyan kills the woman …

It turned out to be a nightmare …

Well, it's an old-fashioned plot: it's Tan Junyan's original dream! It is said that "there is a day to think, there is a dream in the night", and it is said that Tan Junyan has a nightmare, and Gu Chen Zhu Chenli is not the same!

Back to reality, ready to confess

After finishing his nightmare, Tan Junyan deeply understood that he was interested in Zhu Chenli. So he decided to confess, buy a flower and get ready for the "Chicken Candle Dinner". Zhu Chenli had a good surprise!

Zhu Chenli
May pig certainly promised!

Zhu Chenli
I know … it turns out to be FF!

Add in the same domain: Zhu Chenli is very excited

In one of the episodes of "Stunt Man", Zhu Chenli made a photo for actress Qin Yu (Fu Jiali). She wanted to play sports volleyball and beach volleyball. After the selection of Hong Kong sisters by Zhu Chenli, she already wore less swimsuits. Worried about the audience's reaction: "The scene is about me as a substitute: hold a beach volleyball jersey and take an advertisement for a drink.It's a play." At the same time, I have to make moves treble, jump around the bed and make a summer trip .. good sun, after shooting, the body is scattered! "

Zhu Chenli
Zhu Chenli makes Fu Jiali (left) for her body and she wears a big body!


The chain also said it was a slap in the field. It took a few months to present a stealth kiss: "Do fitness, do yoga with dumbbells, everything is over, let's hope the lines will be broken because the sweaters are really good, the top and bottom of the body are you You can make a base, it's badier than the sister of Hong Kong, it's so good, it's really a shock when you jump and you have to make a turnaround, at that time there was a lot of When you are buried, you can cover it, you can only surpbad it!

Zhu Chenli
With some jumping bounces, it's so easy to go!
Zhu Chenli
Zhu Chenli said that she had jumped all the way and had been shocked!
Zhu Chenli
So jump and scare! The following male staff are squatting?
Zhu Chenli
After a few months of hard work, the lines are generous!

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