Call to ignore, Taiwan suspects sent to the mainland – DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

Call to ignore: Taiwan suspects have been sent back to mainland DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

(German Voice Chinese Network) 18 Taiwanese fraud suspects have been sent to China from Malaysia, Malaysia and Cambodia. The Taiwan Business Council on Thursday issued a press release confirming that Cambodia is believed to have three Malaysians and 15 Taiwanese to visit China Thursday afternoon suspected of telecom fraud. According to the press release posted on the website of the Taiwan Affairs Commission, the agency expressed deep regret to China and solemnly protested. The CMA said that since similar cases have occurred, the Taiwanese side has repeatedly called on the continent. To effectively fight crime, the security organs in the Straits must cooperate as soon as possible and both parties will engage their own personnel to investigate and effectively combat these crimes. . However, the other party completely ignored Taiwan's call and continued to force Taiwanese citizens to settle on the mainland. The MAC also said that the Taiwanese government had asked China to help family members travel to the mainland and solve other related problems as soon as possible after detaining the suspects. involved in Taiwan. This is not the first time the Cambodian authorities have sent Taiwanese suspects to the mainland. Reuters said last month, Cambodia extradited 105 suspects from mainland China and Taiwan to China. Cambodia is one of China's closest allies in Southeast Asia and does not recognize the Taipei government. In recent years, Cambodia, one of China's most determined allies in Southeast Asia, extradited more than 600 Chinese and Taiwanese citizens from mainland China as part of the fight against fraud Internet telecommunications. Indonesia also sent 22 Taiwanese citizens suspected of fraud in the People's Republic of China earlier this month. AFP pointed out that during the inauguration of Tsai Ing-wen's predecessor, the slowdown and cross-Strait relations, if Ma Ying-jeou was arrested and repatriated abroad, according to the unofficial between the mainland and Taiwan and the country involved …

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