CCP suppresses president: Taiwan's willingness to contribute to the world will be greater | Tsai Ing-wen | China | box


<img clbad = "td-modal-image wp-image-1656 size-full" src = " "title =" 中華民國 總統 蔡英文 24 日 出席 「凱達格蘭 論壇: 2018 亞太 安全 對話」 開幕 對話 致詞 致詞 共 共 台灣 台灣 台灣,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (記者 陳柏 州 / 攝影) "alt =" The President of the Republic of China Tsai Ing-wen attended the opening ceremony of the "Kadagran Forum: Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue 2018" on October 24, according to which "the greater the strength of the CCP, the greater its willingness to contribute to the world." The President of the Republic of China, Tsai Ing-wen, attended the opening ceremony of the "Kadagran Forum: Asia Security Dialogue" -Pacific 2018 "on the 24. The statement affirmed that" the greater the strength of the CCP's repression, the determination of our active contribution to the world, it will be greater. "(Reporter Chen Baizhou / Photography)

[Reporter Wu Yuzhou / Rapport Taipei] President Tsai Ing-wen, who met with former US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter on the 24th, said that the Taiwanese people would not easily give in to CCP pressure. A valuable democratic lifestyle: "The stronger the CCP's strength to suppress Taiwan, the greater our determination to contribute to the world.

On February 24, the Vision Foundation hosted the "Kaida Gran Forum: Asia-Pacific Dialogue 2018" and invited experts from the United States, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, from Australia, New Zealand, India, Vietnam and Malaysia. And publish a special article or participate in the discussion. Former US Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, also attended the forum.

Tsai Ing-wen said in the forum that the CCP continues to strongly influence other countries in the world, such as military and military warships in the region to bypbad Taiwan, use economic power to put pressure on allies of Taiwan. However, Taiwan will continue to defend the value of democracy, which is also the foundation of the existing order in Taiwan, and the challenge now is to find ways of coping with such a situation. Ensure a prosperous future.

After the end of the speech, Tsai Ing-wen also invited Carter to the presidential palace for discussions. At the meeting, Tsai Ing-wen said that the world has changed a lot in recent years, the only constant being Taiwan's commitment to freedom and democracy. As the world gets closer, the importance of dialogue is even more irreplaceable: Taiwan and the United States support the free, open and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. It's a pleasure to see more bilateral dialogues between Taiwan and the United States.

Tsai Ing-wen said that Taiwan's health minister and the United States had begun bilateral talks in Geneva to deepen their mutual relations and promote global health and maintenance of health. 39, international order. . Especially in the face of the changing world situation, the shared value between Taiwan and the United States is constantly being tested around the world, and more needs cooperation between them.

She said that the Chinese Communist Party continued to suppress Taiwan, that the state was ceded to the state, forced the international companies to change the name of Taiwan, and even obstructed the activities and Taiwan's contributions to the international community. Abandon the precious democratic lifestyle. "The greater the strength of the CCP to suppress Taiwan, the greater our determination to contribute to the world."

President Cai declared that Taiwan also believed in the power of dialogue and that the goodwill of the dialogue with China remained unchanged: as an internationally responsible member, Taiwan will continue to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and in the region.

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