CCTV Major Accident News Broadcast Now "Invisible Man" (Video) | CCTV fraud | Broadcasting accident


[New Dynastie Tang temps de Beijing, Juillet 13, 2018] The "News Network" CCTV on the 12th had a major broadcast accident. When it was broadcast that night, an "invisible person" rarely appeared on the TV screen to scare the audience. In fact, this is not the first incident of CCTV, CCTV also apologized to the audience.

On the evening of July 12, while Ouyang Xia Dan and Guo Zhijian, CCTV hosts, chaired the "News Network," a staff member suddenly appeared on the TV screen to see the "invisible person." "handed to the facilitator. The manuscript was published and it was sorted.

Under normal circumstances, there are only two moderators and the program change, so the practice of this staff member is very surprising. When the invisible man appeared, the two presenters did not change color, closed their eyes and continued to read the manuscript.

According to industry insiders, accidents such as CCTV are usually impossible to appear in live TV shows, which is a low-level error. Subsequently, the microblogging of the mainland put in "emission of news" and "invisible people" as sensitive words, prohibiting the search.

According to reports, CCTV's "News Network" is not the first broadcast accident. On the evening of December 8, 2012, this program also had a rare broadcast error.

By the time the latest news had not been aired, the guide has broadcasted the screen back to the studio. The anchor Li Yumeng began airing the next news, making the two news appear "mixed" broadcast, which lasted more than 40 seconds. After the end of the program and the closing of the sound, Li Yumeng was very nervous and his face was ugly.

At 9:09 pm that night, the head of CCTV News Weibo posted a message to apologize to the public. However, many people said that it did not matter.

"Maniku 譂": Never watch the news, no matter if you broadcast it several times.

"Aliosha 1982": Compared to the lie that lasts for years, this little problem is really not a thing.

"News Network" has always been accused by the people of the continent of spreading false news. Internet users are even ridiculous. "News Network" is a truth: It is 19:00 Beijing time.

Some senior leaders of the Chinese Communist Party also have the same point of view. In late April 2011, 83-year-old former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji attended Tsinghua's centenary celebration. When he retired for nine years, he did not comment on the attitude of political affairs, high-level acupuncture and political affairs, and ridiculed CCTV "nonsense".

Zhu Rongji said that he "sees closed circuit television from 7 am to 7:30 am every day to see what they are saying nonsense." This time it is the broadcast time of the "News Network" program.

CCTV, as spokesman of the Communist Party, carried out a fraudulent propaganda campaign for the Chinese people for several decades. One of the most shocking in the world is the "pseudo-case of the Tiananmen self-immolation". On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's rogue group started suppressing Falun Gong to achieve its purpose and use the entire state machine to make "false news" and a series of self-immolation, murder and lying to inspire people. The hatred of Falun Gong.

In the afternoon of January 23, 2001 (New Year's Eve), a so-called "self-immolation" incident that shocked the world occurred on the Tiananmen Square. The CCP spokesman published English news for the first time in the world, and they were Falun Gong practitioners.

On August 14, 2001, at the UN meeting, the International Organization for the Development of Education strongly condemned the CCP's "national terrorism" on "the" incident of the Tiananmen self-immolation ". Fragmentation involves incredible conspiracy and murder. The video badysis shows that all the incident was "led by the government" and that the relevant information was filed by the United Nations.

The documentary "Pseudo-Fire" published by NTDTV abroad reveals the "Truth of self-immolation Tiananmen". (New Tang Dynasty)

CCTV, as spokesman for the Communist Party, has been indoctrinating the Chinese people for decades. One of the most shocking in the world is the "pseudo-case of the Tiananmen self-immolation". (

On November 8, 2003, the documentary "Fake Fire," released by NTDTV overseas to expose the "truth of Tiananmen self-immolation," was badyzed by the Tiananmen video film "self-immolation". Other doubts prove that this incident of "self-immolation" is entirely a premeditated scam.

Luo Jing, former CCTV news anchorman, at the inauguration, reported a lot of fake news about Falun Gong. In the news broadcast of the pseudo-case of "Tiananmen self-immolation", Luo Jing broadcast the cultivation and Falun Gong chains of the CCP. On June 5, 2009, Luo Jing died of lymphoma and died at the age of 48 years.

The same fate as Luo Jing, and the FCT Cing Facilitator, Fang Jing, she served as the host of "Oriental Time and Space" and "Focus Interview". In the "Focus Interview" program of January 23, 2005, Fang Jing continued to broadcast Tiananmen's "self-immolation" four years after the "Tiananmen self-immolation" affair and has stated that he had gone to Henan for a "follow-up interview".

In the program, Fang Jing slandered Falun Gong and continued to deceive the people of the continent with lies and incitement to hatred. Fang Jing died of liver cancer on November 18, 2015. He died at the age of 44.

On December 23, 2008, Chen Wei, one of the founders of CCTV's "Oriental Time and Space", dies painfully at the Beijing Cancer Hospital after being found for 9 months and dies at the age of 47 years old. Chen Wei is the lead producer of CCTV's "Focus Interview" program "The Tiananmen Self-Immolation".

(Reporter Luo Tingting Report / Publisher: Ark)

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