"Che Ruoshi refused to bid for the offer of 60M for the purchase of the Velian system? Really sell?" Blue Lion | Fan World


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According to foreign media reports, Che Ruoshi refused to accept the purchase of Velian, and the La Liga Champions team respectively proposed quotes of 50 and 60M, but all were rejected by the Blue Army. The players did not make any transfer requests after the World Cup, but that was a slap in the face of the prize. And you?

With the performance of the Qu Yanyan World Cup, in fact, it is absolutely qualified, basically you can play a good five-game wave, especially playing against Belgium, and the same performance with Xia Sate. In average and high opinion, Willian has always made a "break time", often slowing the attacking pace on the right, causing the enemy to bury in the armament, while the quality of the ball is not good and can be added to the restricted area. Bill Jess and Nima provide threats to both helpers and can break Brazil.

In the same position, both Douglas Costa can save the road 瘫痪 straight, strong and fast, both explosive, the appropriate time to change gears, the higher the level of long-term transmission, the number of Brazil 7 Impact on the Belgian left, threatening both the attack and siege of the Samba team, especially after the injury of the Chardley left wing in Belgium, the position was taken by Hua Tangen, the advantage of Duglas Goss may be more obvious, even if the opponent is blocked On his offensive line, the players on the sidelines of Zu Yundas will be as good as Willy, but will quickly turn to the formation of the opponent, in order to make the Brazilian attack more stereoscopic.

Velian is a state of sorrow and is both a state of "nerve": every time you hit the dead channel, the channel's main function is to play magic light, just like the 15/16 season. Hey, you can do your best to save the death fight and the blue army and the handsome man at the time, but if you have a stable effect, Willian will give up the level of "trash" and will still be able to

Next month he will enter the 30th year of Weilian, I believe that 39 There is little room for improvement, since there is an attraction that is at the top of the price, it should immediately be tilted and returned, but Velian is on the road. Loyalty loyalty is one of the best of the team What is the price of loyalty today?

Last updated: 21/07/2018 18:00

Source: ESPN

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