Chen Mingtong, the official newcomer in cross-strait relations, should do his homework first – Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

Chen Mingtong, the official newcomer who will discuss cross-strait relations, should do his homework first. Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

The spokesman of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Bureau of China reiterated that the "1992 consensus" between the two sides of the strait was not a political premise, and recalled that the mainland Taiwan and Taiwan belonged to the same China. Chen Mingtong, chairman of the Taiwan Business Council, said Thursday, July 27 that it was not pragmatic to continue using the dispute for more than 10 years as a basis for cross-border policy. For newly elected county and city leaders to criticize the government and adopt excessive and negative attitudes towards cross – exchanges, Chen Mingtong refuted the fact that they should do their homework before to be able to understand cross relationships. Chen Mingtong, chairman of the Taiwanese committee, was invited to respond to Ma Xiaoguang, spokeswoman of the Taiwan Affairs Bureau on the "Consensus 92" meeting with reporters Thursday (27). Chen Mingtong said the two sides' representatives were 92 years old. There is a lot of controversy in the discussions in Hong Kong: you can go online to read Facebook and the official website, you can also read media interviews in the past. The content is complete. Chen Mingtong said: It is indeed not pragmatic to continue to use this controversial issue as a cross political foundation. Our continental policy is to address cross-border issues with the Constitution of the Republic of China and the People's Relations Regulations between the two parties, which is a very clear policy. It is a legally binding and objective fact. Chen Mingtong pointed out that Taiwan had a different perception of the "92 consensus" and respected it. Chen Mingtong said: In the past, when Kuomintang chairman Lee Teng-hui was in power, he really wanted to fight for different forms. Therefore, the Kuomintang said "92 consensus, a table". We respect his views. At first, it was really necessary to fight for the different tables, those of the Republic of China, but Beijing has never accepted that you can do. Ma Xiaoguang, spokeswoman of the Taiwan Affairs Office for Mainland China, said Wednesday that in November 1992, ARATS and SEF had cleared the agreement to verbally express their respective statements. Both sides of the strait have rallied to the principle of the principle of one China. The consensus confirmed by both sides of the Strait is not the pretended political claim of who imposes itself on whom. …

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